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A Chapa. accbrding to Se L u x E. Verfe 75. Before him] The fenfe ofGods prefence makes men confcientioufly ,obedient to both tables of the Law, Cave, .fpeclat Cato, wasa watch-ward among the Romanes. Noli pec- ,care, Deus videt, Angeli afiant,&c. Takeheed what thou doeft, God beholds thee, Angels obferve thee,&c. Verfe 76. eflnd thou child] fcil. qui none tantillur es, in virum magnum evades: Though little, thou lhalt prove great. Thou (halt goe before theface of the Lord] Any relation to whom ennobleth, and advanceth all worth. Verfe 77. Togive knowledge] .Not by infuGon, Dan.i.i7. but by inftrueion. See the dignity and duty ofMiniffers. Verfe 78: Whereby the day-fJiring] Or as Beta rendreth it, á,,,,A4. TheBranch from on high, not from beneath, as other plants or branches. So the anchor of hope entreth not into the deep , but into that within the vaile, Heb 6.i9. _ _Verfe .79. Thatfit in dark;ieffe] This imports i, continuance, z; content. Toguide ourfeet] The fuperftitious Pagans thought that.their z n''. advert. goddefle Vbilia kept them in their right way when they tra- Gent.ltb,4. welted : But we have abetterguide to God. Verfe Sc. eslnd the child grew] Though his meat was but courfe, and not fo nouriíhing. The bleflîng ofGod is the ltaffe ofbread : bread would no more nourifiz without it then a piece ofearth. ir CHAP. IL Verfe I. eifdecree from Cefar Auguf}us] Y a fweet providence of God, that Chrifl might beborn at 1,173ethlehem according to the Scriptures. Howbeit Augufus thought not fo (as it is faid in another cafe of Nebuchadnezzar, Jfay to.) but ambitioufly fought the fetting forth ofhis own greatneflè, and large command, and carried it without piniflt- ment ; when as David fmarted fore for a like offence. But God will take that from others, thathe will not bear with in his own.. e4mos 3.2., That all the World] That is, the Romane world but fahwas their ambition, that though they hadbut apart, yet they Riled themfelves. orris ofall the World. So the.Pope (the image of G g g tha,t.