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o it Commentary upon the Gofiel Chap. 2. í44t eaft ) will needs be {Bled Univerfall Bilhop. The Great Turk (that Eaftern Antichrift) calls himfelfe God on earth , Sote Monarch of tbeWorld, Commander of all that can be commons - oled,c c. and bymany other fuclh like fwelting titles. Verfe 2. when Cyrenius,&c.] irinatt the LatineWriters call him. . Now that the Scepter was departed, Shilohcame. Verfe- '3. Alai all went to be taxed], Topay a certain fmall fiim of money in token of fealty. I was once at a Court-Sermon. (faith Mehuitthon) on the Nativity-day, and this wasthe Text Tob. Mani. loc. but the Preatkr, infteadof difcourfing on ChriítsIncarnation,, 4;79 spent the whole hour, inaverycoldday, in perfwading the peo- ple to obey ivlagi{1?rates , and to give them as much money as they call for._ This is the guifeofCourt-Parafites, Princes tren- tamer-Dyes, Verfe 4. e.indJofeph alto went up] By a fpecrallprovidence ofGod, as is above-noted, -urrfe r- and not onely fo, but that the holy Virgin might {till have with her the keeper and coverof het virginity ;, that thedevill might not haveoccafion to raife up, ffalCfe repotts, about her great belly. Verfe 5.. Being great With child] Yet could not be excufed- This was a crueltyin Aiguft (not to (pare great-bellied wo- men) but a mercy of God to mankind ; for what thebetter Ind it been for°m ,. if fofeph had gone toBethlehem, and. not Mary alfo ? Verfe 6. The capes were accomplifhed] Her delivery might well be haftened, or at leaft facilitated by her long journey ;for it was no le{fe then foure &ayes journey fromNazareth to Beth- lehem. Some fay fhe wasgravida ,but not,gravata;:great bellied, but not unweildy Lumen enim good infe habebat, pond habere non paterat,: faith..lugeefre : bat 1 am not bound to beleeve brim. Verfe 7, endf e /brought forth herfirft-born]' Whether filet werelleipara, theMother .of rod, was a great oontrovertie, and raifed agreat florm in the-Conned' of Ephefos ; infomuch as the Emperour declared both_tides heretic -ks. But forafmuch as- ®èpTbícas, Mee was the 2v1orher clf Chrift, M ar.I.23. and Chri+ftisGod, in ut bringing forth Chrift, fhe was the Mather of God. Whether the veminveftorim continued after this a Vitgin, pis credimsas, fedni a ranarn But that nice vowed Virginity , as 'papifts fay, Nik For stowcould e pr.gmifeVirrginitytoiQbd artd ß! axrxate toPAO'? wrapped' .11