according ta S° L u K E. 5t Wrapped him in freadlin4-clothes' This pains the was at (filch z ¡a.vóu, of was her love) though newly delivered, andmuch weakned,there- z7áo_ t® by. His fwadling-clothes were poore and ragged , as may he tend, gathered out of the Greek word here ufcd. Laidhim in amanger] Non in aurea reclinittorio, faith Lud91. . phut, not in a {lately room, as thePorphyrapeniti in Conflrrntiho- ple ; not in the bell but bafeft place ofthe Inne, which is coun- ted the meaneft houfe of a City. Oh humble Saviour, whither wilt thoudefcend Verfe 8. Keeping watch over their flock j At the tower:of _F. dar, fay fome, between ?eruftlem and Bethlehem, where yacob, returning from Mefopotamia, flayed with his flock, after hee had buriedRachel, Gen.35. 21. Mic:1.8. By night] Hence force gather, that our Saviour wasnot born in the winter ; hecaufe inwinter they hou1 d their cattle, and fed them not without doores, Pro.27.25. Verfe g. Andlo the e. íngel of the Lord] Gabriel, likely, Was fent, not to Zacharyor Simeon, cj c. but to certain Shepherds. God goes a way by himfelf. Had the Sages of theEaft met with thefe Shepherds, they had received better intelligence then they, did from the learned Scribes. And theglory ofthe Lord] As when -a Kings fon is born;bone- fires are made, &c. ,v. Verfe to. I bringyou 000d tidings] The fill Preacher of the Gofpel, was an Angel. God hath now taken this honour from the Angels, and put it upon the Minifters, who are in Scripture called Angels, Revel. 2.1. and Angels Minifters, Heb. 1. 24. The oldChurch had iwayyrhíar the promire, we have cvayyvJczv, the joyfull tidings. Verfe II. A Saviour] TheGreek word is fo emphaticall (as oa p. Tully witnefleth) that other tongues can hardly find a fit word- die. in Vern; to expreffe it. The Grecians by Flaminius rang out f.onìp Ennir Aa. 4- with fuch a courage, that the birds aftonilhed, fell to the earth. Verfe 12. Wrapped infwadlino-clothes] In vilikes voters. bus indumentia, faith Ludolphu-. See the Note onverfe 7. Verfe 13. Praifng God] Angels, who have neither fo much intereft in Chrift, nor benefit by him as we, ring him into the world : And (hall we be dumb ? They fangwhen the world was created, ?ob 38.7. So now that it wasrepaired byChrift. Gg g 2 Verfe i4è