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A Commentary upen the Go[pel Chap. 2.. Verfe 14. in earth peace] Pax quaff pac7io conditionitm. 1.4494 Ai 7a HS tir-Y ?Teo, á conneflendo in unum.- Chrift is the' great Peace-maker but only to the ele&, called here the Men nor .Hift.1.4. of Cods good will. When he was born, ('unfia atque continua to- tins generls humani aut pax fuit aut paflio. Verfe 15. Let tts now got even untoBethlehem] They did not reafon nor debate with themfelves (faith Bifhop Hooper. Martyr in a Letter to certain good people taken praying mBow-Church- yard, and now in trouble) who fhould keep the wolfe from the cheep in the mean time ; but committed the fheep to him whofe pleafure they obeyed : So let us doe now that we be called; Alts andMon commit all other things to him that called us. He will take heed . that all (hall be well. He willhelp the husband,comfort thewife, guide the fervants, keep. the houle, preferve the goods : yea, rather then it fhould be undone, he will wash the difhes, rock. the cradle,&c. Verfe i6. Found Mary and Jofeph, roc. ] They, though of thebloud royal', yet lay obfcured, not thrufting themfelves in to obfervation, but -well content with a low condition. Beata. 3telb. Virgo in vili flabulofedet, & jacet ; fed quod hommes neoligunt,' calcites cives honorant & inquirunt, faith Stella.- The humble per-- Bernard. fon is like the violet, which growes low, hangs the head down- wards, and hides it felfe with its own leaves.. And were it not that the fragrant fmell of his many vertues betrayes him to the world, he would chufe to live and dye in his felf-contenting fe crecy. Verfe 17.. They made kraówn abroad] True goodneffe is com- municative : there is no envie in fpirituall things ; becaufe they may be divided in folidum :, One may have as much as another and all alike. Thefe fhepherds, as thofe lepers,. 2 King. 7.9. Paid one to another, Wee doe not Well thisday is ofgood tidings, . andwe hold our peace, :;7,.T. Verle i 8. wondredat thofe things] Yet made little benefit of what they heard. All the world wondred after theBeaft, Revel. 13.3. And it was a wonder there was no more wondering at the birth ofour Saviour ; if that were true efpecially, that (betides. theWife-mens ftarre, Mat. 2. and the Angelicall mufick in the a Gentiles among the a voycewas heard, The great God . is now about to be born : And that at Rome, the likeneffe of a woman carryinga child inher arms was Peen abvut.the f;nne,&c.. -Theft.