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Chap.2. according to SC L U K E. 53 Thefe things are ftoried. Tolydor Virgil reports out of Oro.:ats, Polyd. Virg, that 'on thevery dayof Chrifts nativity, eifugufusCefarcaufed ¡i64.cap.1.. proclamation that no man fhouldRile himLordany longer, Md nififto prafagio majoris Dominates, qui tum in terris ortus e fet ; asprefaging a greater thenhimfelf then born. Verfe 19. Mary kept all thofe things] Her foule was as am holy ark her memory like thepot of Mannah, preferving holy truthes, and remarkable occurrences. Verfe 2o. As it was told unto them] God to thew that he re -- fpeded not perfons revealed this grand myfteryto fhepheards and Wife-men, the one poor, the other rich ; the one learned , the o- ther unlearned ; the one Jewes, the other Gentiles ; the one neer, . the other far off. Verfe 21. For the Cirumcifng of the Child] Chrift would be Circumcifed, and fo become bound to fulfill the Law, that hee might free us that were under the Law , Gal.4.5- Verfe 22. AndWhen thedayes ofherpurification] She was ra- ther fan%fledthenpollutedby bearing Chrift, yet wrangleth not with the Law , nor claimeth an immunity. Now if fhe were fo officious in ceremonies, what in themaine duties of mo- rality ? Accordingto the Lain] This Lawof Purification proclaimes our ttncleannefl'e , whofe very birth infests the mother that bareus. She might not till the feventh dayconverfe with men, nor till the fortiethday appear before God in the Sanctuary, nor then with-, out a burnt-offering for thankfgiving, and a fin-offering for expia- tionofa double fin, viz. ofthe Motherthat conceived,and ofthe Son that was conceived. Verfe 23: That openeth the womb] This proves that !Diary brought forthChrift in a naturali way, and not utero claufo, by a miracle, as Papifts wouldhave it,toprove their fidion of Tranfüb ftantiation. Shall be calledholy to the Lord] God requireth the firft-born,as, duallybelt-beloved; that together with our children, he might- draw to himfelf the beltof our affeftions. Verfe 24. A pair of Turtle-doves] Chrifts Mother wasnot rich enough tobring a Lamb. Let this comfort poor Chriftians. .I know thypoverty, faith Chrift, but that's nothing; thouart rich , Revelations 2.9, SrjrnR the pooreft Church huh the higheftcem suendatign, G g g 3 Verfe 5,, l