1 54 á.ur á,9ñs ácz-u7áufvat. The fouls folate. lo. Manl.loc. c,mIt7. 8ucüolc. A .Commet ir, rA/),9 a the Goj ìe.1 Chap. 2 Verfe a3. nd áearout ] Orwary andcautelous ; one that,, takes heedand isfearfullofbeing deceived in that which he takes. for right and currant. . waitingfor the Con/olationofIfrael That is for Chrilis cons ming : This was the fugar wherewiththey fweetned all their crof- fes : this was the Dittany, by taffing whereof( as Harts do) they 4,xkeof all the peircing flíafis oftheir afuiftions. Some Jewel- conclud.ethe Meliah when he comes flailbe called Menahem the comforter, from Lams. r. i 6. Verfe 26. It war revealed,asñto him] By an immediate Oracle. The Idolatrousheathens madeufe of this word to fignifie their im- pious anddiabolical! Oracles, The abufe ofaword taketh not a- way the ufe ofit. Verfe 27. 4ndhe'came by the fpirit,c r.] So fi:ill, the.feps of a good man are orderedby theLord, Tfal.37.23. He fetshis fpirit . as a,Turour,to direEandconvince u= into all truth. Simeou haddone as Danieldid, Chap. 9.2. found out bydiligent fearch,' that thefulnefleof time was come, and is therefore thus anfwereri, from heaven. Verfe 28. Then tooke he him up in his armes] The bleffed'fl armful! that ever the good old man had inhis life. The Patriarchs faintedhim, but afaroff, Heb.; F. Verfe 29. Lordnow lettei thou tby fervant ] Simeon having, laid in his heart (faithone) what he lapt inhis armes, lung, lltnnc dimittas ; I fear nofin, I dread no death. I have lived enough , I have my life ; I have long'd enough, I have my love ; I have Peen enough, Ihave my light : I have ferved enough, Ihave myfaint :, I have furrowed enough, I have my joy : Sweet babe, let this Plaint, ferve for a lullaby to thee , and for funerali forme. Ohfeep in myarmes, and let me fleep in thypeace. Dying Velcuriobroke out into thefe words, Pater eft afloat-or , Filius Redemptor , Spiritus Sant-tut Confolator: quomodo itaque triflitiâ affici pofm? Dy- ing Deering laid, Ego omniumSanUorum minimus, credo (1- intneor in Chrifttem,falutemmeans. Verfe 3c. Formine eyes havePeen, & c. ] A great fatisfac`hon. So it was to fob , Chap. 42.5. when hecould fay , I have heard of thee by the hearing of the Bare , but now mine eye feeth thee. What !hall it be tous when we fhall fee Godface toface,&c. i Cor. 13.12. ? (olamus hit Deism' reverenter donee a flee ad fineciem tran- feamus. WorfhipweGodwith reverence till we come to feehim face to face. 'Verfe 31.