Chap.. 2. according to S°. .Lu x E. 55 Verfe 3s. Before thefaceofall people ] As a banner difplaid;as abeacon on a hill , or as the Sun inheaven tobe beheld of all : a% thebrafenferpent was lifted up in the wilderneße,&c. 70h.. 3 . i 5, 4dvn Verfe 32. Theglory of thy people Ifrael]; Oh I pity their pe r yerfnetie, and pray their converfion, that tíß ]Eewes maycall God. 4bba, the Gentiles Father, Dan. 12.11 . There is a Prophecy ofGods waiting the Jewes finals reftauration, (faithone) and the time is expretled. ie g aafo. which is 1290. yearsafter the cealingof the daily facrifice, and the P felting upoftheabomination ofdefolation : which is conceived tobe about Ydians time, who .afläyed to rebuildtheTemple of the jewes,but washindered fromheaven.. This was Anno Dom.. 360. towhich. ifyou adde 1290. yeares, it will pitch the calculati, on upon theyear 1650. Verfe 33.. Marvelled at thofe thing ] Saints the further they fee into the myftery of aria,. the more are they tranf- portedwithadmiration. Burns 11o£ the laft day,271.5rf V'erf 34. o4nelfora fign,&c.]. Forabutmark,agai ftwhom his enemies (halt (hoot the (hafts oftheir gain-fayings : Lilo as at the fackof Conftantinople, the Image of the Crucifitt wastakeri clown:by the -Tu is and a Turkscapput upon the head :thereof, Turk.; Hidf,;t and fo fet up, and fhot at with their arrowes, callingit, the6'ed isf 347` theChrifiàas. Verfe 35. lea zfWerd.(halt peirce,, r. ] This confutes that Of Flatus ; Maier sutelta cordaritsts tiglet ex an;nxo. The w9rth il.l:ta. herecendredfWordprverly ( ifiesa longThraciandart. That the.riiAreghts ofmany hearts] As theyare .ado=win tloe& (liferiminating,Tedd g times. ,Af13i:&iori tryet#1 1 enAti i Crocodiles,Sponges,Caanelions , &c. Before thofe .dalisdame AEt and Mott. -(f idMaiker oefordMartyr)h©w many thought pf thomfelves, fat, i48z. that they had been inGods bofome,and fowere taísen, andwould iie'taken,intheiwe rld ? But nowwe fee whofe theyate z. for to uvhihnwe obey,tiisdervantswe are, lac5.-. _in the Palatinate farce oneeaan in twentydkood out: bu felt to i?opeity, asiait as _leaves 9n aut Verfe 36. From her virginity ] i. e. She was a:pure virgin whenmarried toherhusband. All arenot virgins that paire for £deh : forne have their .feçret conveyávices,; Prev. 3©.1:9.20.. They can ease ftallonMzead, and aftèerwards fe wipe titeic liÇs that ncitt tile¡aftc f altInfee».. erfe 37,