Hier. Ep, ad Furn. oPm x.16. A Commentary repon the Geel Chap,z, Verfe 37. A1asìddair ey about 84. years] She was now ripe,and ready, even ofherown accord , to fall into Godshand , as ripe fruitesdo into the hand of the gatherer. And the thoughts of death had long lince forbad the banes of a fecond marriage. (o- ita to quotidiè inoriturùm, Ci^' defecundis .aüptii.r.ntanguam cogita_ bis. Thinkofdeath,and the thoughts ofmarrying againwill dye within thee. . Verfe 38. Gave thanks like,wifc] Succinuit Simeoni, feconded Simeon, and fang thefame fong. This was fomewhat extraordi- nary , as being againftthat i Tim.2.ia, and therefore fell out.. On- ly in troublefome and confuted times of the Church; as likewife Huldah the Propheteffe...Our Prædcanti fe have her no patro- nage. Verfe 39. eXccording to the Lawof the -Lord] This is often 'recordedofthem in this Chapter, that they obferve the.Lawex- ac ly, to theirfinnular commendation. The Law is tobekept as theapple ofoneseye;Prv. 7. 2.. Count nothing little that God commands. It is as much treafon .eo cogne: pence as twen- ty-fliil'lingpeeces : And they were commanded not to gate Ofthe blood, as ever they looked for Godsblefling. They:returnedinto galilee ] After they had firltfled down into Egypt, Matt, 2. Verfe 40. eAnd thegraceof codwits uponhim ] Without meaa: fire fo that ofhis Overflowwehave all received grace for grace He had a fulneffe not repletive only, but diffufive too : not ofplenty only, but of bounty alto , not only of abundance , but of redundancy. Hee was Anointed with the Oyle of ladnefl'e , not onely above. , but for his fellowes. Verfe. 41. Nowhis pärents,went,&c. ] Every male was to ap pear thrice ayear before the Lord. In the females it was'a free- will offering, andwell accepted. Verfe 42. And when he wm twelveyeares old.] What he did from his infancyhitherto., the Scripture is (iletat Papilfs .faire many idle relations; and thereby expofeus to the jeare ofJewifh and Turkifhmifcreants. Where the Scripture bath notongue, we mudhave nocares. Verfe 43..Jofephandhùonother k iel), not] One would won- der 'they .fhouid be.'fo,careleffe of fopeerleiT'eapearle: They might well think there were enoughat Jerçifalem,, among theHHi- rodans efpecially, that wouldhave been glad to have:difpatcht