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d Chap. 2. acctra'i3 to St L u t, 57 any thatfhould take upon them to be Mefas theprince, as Daniel callethhim, Chap 9.25. Verfe 44. Sought him among their kinsfolk] They knew him to be of a difpofitionnot ftrange and Stoicall , but fweet and fo- ciable. Let not us tye up our felves in a ftern aufferity , but run into the companyof thofe now, that muff beour everlaftirg com- panions inheaven. Verfe 45. Andwhen theyfoundhim not] The belt ate fome- times at a Joffe , and hard put too't for three dayes, or fo. And this , moldy , for their fecurity , as the Church in the Can- tides. Verfe 46. Sitting in the midft of the `Doc`tors ] Chriftus pries fedet in medio Det1orum (ut retie d f in. 36. Çratian.) quam pub- dice nepit mends Mediatorvs obire. Hearing them, andpoling them] In this very year the Temple was.prophaned, even at the Paffeover. For the Prieffs having o- pened the Temple doores bynight , as the manner was , found a great companyof dead-mensbones in the morning , thrownhere and there thorough the whole houfe. This, faith ?ofephus, was thought to have been done by the Samaritans in fpight to the Jewes. But others thinkGod had a fpeciall hand in it, to fignifie that the Temple-fervices were fhortly todye anddetermine; now Fanc.Chron. that theLord ofheaven andearth had taught therein withhis own lively voice. Verfe 47. e.ft his underftanding] Whichwas fo large, even as man, that fome have affirmed it to be infinite , and untreated but ofthis,his manhood, beinga creature,was uncapable. Howbeit here our Saviour putforth a beamofhis Deity , whichyet he foon drew in again, and lay long after obfcured. Verfe 48. Have fought thee forroWing ] Animo triftifmo CO. afidifima. God oftencures a Lethargyoffecurity, by a fea- ver ofperplexity. Verfe 49. vviftye not ] Men be they pleated or difpleafed God muff be obeyed. Verfe 50. Theyunderftoodnot] Yet were well verfed in the Scriptures. IfGod giveus not fight as well as light , we are Rill o feek. Verfe 51. And War fubjetii unto them ] Labouring withhis hands,&c. Mark6.5. Verle 52. latcreafedinrrifdome] Being mudbe<oytporY as Ma Hhh ea,Fray