Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Niccph. A Commentary upen the Gvfpet Chap. a,,, cariawas called, whileft a child-, for his extrao rdinary grace and gravity. CHAP. Verfe i. Pontius Pilate beinggovernour ] `Acitus callethhimProcurator only of Judea. But.Saint'Laké yFcovd ov1os. here makes littledifference:betwixt his office and theImpe. a'"ccnia. tiall honour ofhis.Mafter.Tiberius : for he ufeth thefame word to expreffe both. The Earleof Flanders counts it agreat preroga . 'rive, that he writes himfelf ComesDei gratis. Others only Dei clementiâ. The Duke ofMillain , that he is the. prime Duke of Europe. The Deputy ofIreland , that there commethno. Vice, gerent inEuropemore veer, the Majefty and prerogative ofa King then he,Ltc,. Verfe 2. .Annas andCaiaphas being high `Prsefts ] By turnes, y'oh. II. 44 AE 4.6. contrary to the oldorder.. Throughout the whole Turkifh Territories, there is but one, Mufta orHigh- Prieft, and he is the fupream Judgeand reaifier ofall ac%ons , as well Civil as Ecclefaffical.: Verfe, 3.: Preaching the Baptifine of Repentance] johns note was.till,Repentance. Chrifl comes not,,where, this Herald: bath not been before him. Yet now it is come to that paffe, that mat. ny men fcorn to hear a Sevmon ofRepentance,Its a fign,fay force; that the Minifter bath been idle that week, or that his ftock is fpcnt whenhe comes topreach of fuch a common theameasRe,. pentance, . IfGod benot merciful' , we fhall quickly difpute a- way all ourRepentance a famous preacherjuffly complain,. eth.. Ba. Verfe 4. In the book of. the words. of Efaias ] Called a great rRthra Efay becaufe it treates of great things ,.Maxima in sn. roule, f Y 8. I . minináo) andfaid,to be writtenwith the Pen of a man , that is cleerly that the fìmpleft of men may underfl:and. it , Deuter;r nomie 30. 11. Verfe, 5. Every wally jhall Ge filled,] Every_hole, orhollow. Faintingofheart unfits the way for Chrift, as well as the fwelling hills ofpride,.Plain thingswill, joyn in every point one with a- pother ; not fo, roughand hollow things : fo plain fpirits dole withGods_Truths; not fo thofe.that refwolrae,and timeven. Verfe