Chap. . according to L U KE. f' Verfe 6. All flefh (hall fee ] yix. All that order their con- verfation aright , Pfal. 5o. 23. which is the life of thankful- neffe. ib. Verfe 7 , 8 , 9. ] See the Notes on Matthelt 3. 7 , 8 , 9., 10. Verle ro. What (hall we doe ? ] q. d. What are thofe fruits worthyofRepentance, that we in our places mutt bring forth ? Verfe r r. He thathath two coates ] Thusryrua evidencedher repentance,Ifa.23<r8. byfeeding and cloathing GodsSaintswith hermerchandize. Thus Zacheru,Dorcas, &c. This is all the leffon that for the prefent he Pets them , being but young fcholars in the fchoole of Chrift. Verle 13. Exati no.more ] Make no more ofyour places,then e Ar7,. ye maywith a goodconfcience. Shunthat myftery ofiniquity that is crept into molt callings. A great part of the TurksCivil Juftice Sands hisTra.. at this day is grounded upon Chrifts words, Thoufbalt not do what vets. thouWouldfi not have done to thee. Verfe 14. Do violence to no man] Shake nomanby the flioul- Ataoiívirl. ders , toile no man to and fro, to put him into a fright, (mite no man with the fift ofwickedneffe. Tamerlaine took fuchorder with his Souldiers that none were injuriedby them : If any fouldier of his but taken an apple or the like from any man,, he diedfor it. Oneof his fouldiershaving taken a little milk from a country woman, and the thereofcomplaining, he caufed the faid fouldier to be prefently killed, andhis ftomack to be ript, where the milk Turkhiftf.z13 that he hadof late drunk being found, he contented the wo- man and fo fent her away : who had otherwife undoubted- ly dyed for her falfe accufation had it not fo appear- ed. Neitheraccufeanyfalfely] Get nothing, by fycophancie. Op-merRovxn preffe no man either by force or fraud, andforged cavilation,asit Tif°"TS is rendred,Luke 19.8. Verfe 15. Whetherhe were the Chrif3 ] Yet john did no mi- racle , but he was a burning and a fhining light, he thundered inhis doctrine, and lightened inhis life. Hence washe fo much admired. Verfe 16. The latchet ofwhofefhooes,c 'c. ] By this exprellion the Baptift acknowledgeth Chrifts Godhead, as did altoMary by wafhing his feet. Butwhat doth the Pope that holds forthhisfeet Hhh 2 to