Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

1i. Commentary typon the Go_1eed Chap. 3. to be kifl'ed ? Is not-this he that fits as God in the of God ? Is . not this Dominus Deus softer Tapa ? . Learned he nor this abominable infolency of. Dioclefran that bloudy Perfecutor ? who as he was the first Roman Einperour that would be.wor- r" troJ. fhipped as God, fo he was thefirft that wore fhooes embellifhed withprecious{tones, and held forth his feet tobekiffed ofhis pro- fljate fuitors. Verfe 17. whafe fanne ] Viz. The preaching. of the Got. pel. Verfe. 19. For Herodias his brother Philips wife] Whom it was not lawfull for Herodtohave , though 'Philip were dead, as JetePh:Amiq.. here o e hersfaith he was. This was the cafe fo much controverted . and beyond Seas in Henry the eighths time,touching his mar- riage withhis brother Arthurs widow,byPapali difpenfation. The Xinghadfir$a fcruple cast into hismindabout itby the Bithopof Baion thePrencltEmbaffädotlr, whocame to him toconfultof a Marriage between the LadyVary,and the Duke ofOrle:sn.r, whe- ther Marywere legitimate, &c This gave, occafion to the ea fting the Popes authority ont of_England._, Marywas forced , for Canidens Eli- fear"ofdeath,to renounce the Bithopof Rome, and to acknow- j, b. anti od. ledgeher Mothers marriage tohave bin inceftuousand unjuf , &c, Though afterwards , fhe fet.up the Pope here again;: and it was her policy , fo to get, and : keep the Crown upon beg head. Andfor all the evills,whichHerod;&c.i 7ohn reproved himvirtu Oi`iánd. Flit. the fame liberty that Herodcommitted them. So did 1ohn Chry- ¡cclefeent.5. fofome, the great" ones of. his time. Ita guiders ut etiamDatum, 1sG,z.cáp,a. Eutropiid7 Caina, ïmò ipfsus Imperatoris orate reprehenderet: He (pared not Dukes, .Prances, , nay not the Emperour him- feif._ Verfe ac. AdIedyet this] There is noflint in fin : but as one wedge makeswayfor another fo here. Asafter 7onáthan.and his Armour-bearer,came the wholehoft So. Verfe 21. Andpraying, the heaven Iraopened] Prayer is the IkeyofGodsl(ingdom . And muft beufed as at other times , fo efpeciallywhenweor ours receive the Sacraments : though the mat, ifurged hereto, mutt fay, ifthey fay, trucly as i Sam.17.39. Ì"cannot go with theft accoutrements : for I am not.acctaftomed - Verfe 2,3, Being (as Iran !'ppor ^d ) r]. But faIfly: for 76- Vim