Chap: q.. according to se L u K E. fephwas no more thenhis Taterpoliticsu, as Pofléflus calleth him his fofter-father, reputed father. whichwas theforme ofHeli ] That is, his fon in law. _ For Heli was Maries naturalifather: andit is Maries genealogy that is here So jütbr.rr, defcribed: but put upon yofeph,becaufe the Hebrewesreckon notj.' 2,13. their genealogiesbywomen, butbymen only. Verfe 27. Which was thefonne off Neri] Salathiel was natural- lythe fon ofNeri, but legally, and:by fuccef ion the fonof ?echo- niah,.Matt:4.f2.for he fircceeded him in the Kingdom. Neri which fignifethMycandle,feemethto have bin fo named from the candle which theLord. referved for Davidand hishoufe,. ,2 Chron. 2r.7. Verfe 3o. which was thefan ofSimeon] Our Saviours genea- logy ishere themore accurately defcribed , becaufe there were that wouldhave-fubfituted_and put falfe Chrifts upon the Church Ezek,2. 62. The.Preifts that couldnot produce their genealogies were outed. Verfe 36. Whichwas thefonofCainan]- This name crept byEmin loc. Pi- fame means, into the Greekcopies after 1eromies time,faith Be- rcusiuGen.xi za and Paræaas. Others fay, that Saint Like herein followed the S'eptuagints tranlation., out of wifdom and charity to theHelle-, Alited.cbron, nifts orGreek-Jewes, that had 'received it, and read it. 2. That N1.Ligtífaars writing forheathens,.hefollowedtheheathensBible in his quota- HR : m.p.zsa. Lions. 3. That inhis genealogies he was tobe .a Coppier, nota Corector. Verfe 38. which was thefon ofCod] Not by generation , but creation. Thereforethe Syriàck tiat iatóur hath it DawnEl ha r1 Deo, OfGod, not Bar Elaha, the fonofGel. CHAP. IV. Verfe r. Rat:ernedfrom yord,in andw led] O fooner out ofthe water of baptifme,but in the fire oftenr ptation. After greaten feelings, we are to expert fharpeft affaults neither canwe,better quench the Devilsfiery darts then with the water ofbaptifine. We read, faith Luther, of acertain- holy virgin, who, whenfoever follicited to in,wouid flop the tern_ peers mouthwith this one ánfwwerCbriffianafa m,.1 ama Chriftian. .tntellexit enimhobsf atim virtutemBaptifmi& fidei- e: fu 1;I h 3