Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

A Commentary upon the Gflel Chap.q., git ab ea. Satan could not abide thementionsofbaptifme,but fled from her prefently. Verfe z. Bungfourty dayes] During which time , he was let rt. uponwithal fortsof temptations.Thefe three here recorded were likely the very wort} ; in quibtu Diabolur omnesafius & fraudis fux facculos deplevit, ( as one faith) wherein the Devil didhis :ut. moff. I7. Verte 3. Command this_Pone ] Bread of deceit is fweet to a man, but afterwards his mouth'fhall be filledwith gravell. Com_ pare this verte with vert 9. and fee how the devill ufually temp- teth by extreams, tomake menoffend either indefeE , or excelle. Thus he tempted Malter Knoxupon his death-bed, if not to de- fpair,then toprefume that heaven fhould be his, for his zeal inthe Scottifh Reformation. Verfe 5. Sheeted unto him all the Kingdomes ] In vifible land- skip of fiais own making, prefented to the eye. Verfe 6. To whornfi ever 1 Will, Igive it] The Pope, as heir to the Devil,takes upon himtobe Dominus regnorum mundi. Bo- niface.8. wrote to PhilipKingofFrance, thathe was lord of both Temporalsand Spirituals, in all countries. Os papa &cultes diabobi in eodemfuntpr edicamento,faithone. But, Cui volo 610 11143 is Godsonlyto fayDan.4.zz. Verfe 7 If thouwiltWorJbip ] Tapa duliáadorandus, fay _the Canonifts. Verfe 8. cet thee behindme] See the Note on Matthexl4. IO. Verfe 13. He departedfrom himfor a feafon ] We mutt look forthe tother bout, and in a calm preparefor a ftorm. The tem- pter is reftlefleand impudent : fo that a man is to expeé,ifhe live out his dayes, tobe urged to all fins, to thebreachof everybranch ofthe tencommandements, and to be put to it in refpect ofevery Article ofthe Creed. Verfe 14. In thepower ofthe Spirit] Without which theword is preachedto no purpofe. Cathedram incalo habet, qui cordadoter, faithe4ugufline. It is with the word and fpirit, as with the veines and arteries; astheveines carry the bloud, fo the arteries carry the fpirits to quicken the bloud. Verfe i5. Cjlorified of All ] Envy it felf was thrattled, which yet ufually waits upon v_ ertue. ' Every Zopyrus hath his Zoilus. Verfe z6