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0 C1hap.4. Verfe 16. Where he hadbeen brought up] The Jewes were to be kind to the Egyptians,and to pray for the profperity of Baby- lon, where they hadbinbred,and fed. Be ye thankfull,Coh .3.a 5., viz. to your friends and benefactors. AndRoodupfor to read ] In honour of the word that he read : So Neh.8.5. A commendable cuftome. Verfe 17. He found theplace] Whether he looked for it , or it fofell out bya providence, its uncertain. Origen, after- his-fall, lighting on that text, Pfal. 5o. what haft thou to do to takemy words,c. fell into a paflion of weeping and came out of the pulpit,as not able to fpeak to the people. tflugufine hearing from heaven Tolle, lege, and happening upon that place Rom.i 3. a 4. Tut Aug. Con f jj: ye on the Lord7efits Chrif, &c. was prefently converted thereby. bb* 8.cep.1z. Sowas Cyprian, by reading theprophecy of7onah: Verfe 18. He bath anoyntedme to preach] Therefore the Gof- pel is a Pure faying,andworthyof al acceptation,fith its aneffe& of theholy Spirit : doubt not of its excellency, authority, certainty, fufficiency. Seemy TrueTreafure. Verfe 19. Theacceptableyear ofthe Lord] A joyful' Jubilee. Let us not fund out the time leafs we be bored in. the care by the T evill. Verfe 20. were fafened on hint j A good help againfi'di- ítractions. Our hearts are fickle and fugitive , if not hard-held to it. Verfe 21. The dayù the Scripture,&c.' This was the fumme ofhis fermon, as were-alfo the propheciesWe read-, the heads on- lyand fhort notes of the Prophets larger difcourfes, Brevity breedsobfcurity. Verfe 22. Is not this Jofephsfonne ? 3' And what of that ?' But it isfull the courfe of our hearers, to look round about , if pof- íìbly they may find any hole in our coat , through which to flight and'flip the coardsof our doctrine, though they cannotbut. admire it. Verfe 23. Thyftian heale tly felfe ] That is thy Coun- try. So that for a man to cure his Country , is to cure him fel£ Verfe 24. No , Prophet is accepted J.. See theNote on Matt. 13. 57. Verfe 25. .ManywidoVes were in Ifrael ] q. d. God bath.mer- cy on whomhe will háve mercy &e. _ He is agree agent, and may do. according to Sc L u K E.