Amu 64 A Cornrraertay, lox the GoJel Chap. -5. do withhis own ashe pleafeth. Ifthe Prophets, by the Spirits di- rec`tion, healed and helped forraigners fooner then Ifraelites what fo great wonder that Chrift did not that for his own Coun- try, that hedid for others? Verfe 26. That w.0 a'widow ] Acalamitous name, z Sam.14. 5. The Hebrewes call her aAlmanah, a dumbwoman, becaufe ei- ther file dare not, or may not fpeak for her felf : but God pro- fetfeth himfelfthepatronof fuch ; and he can fpeak for them in the heartsof their greateft adverfaries. Happy they infuch an Advocate. Verfe 27. Naaman the Syrian] Nor he neither fo long as he looked upon Gods Jordanwith Syrian eyes. Verfe 28. And all they in the Synogogue J Though but plain rollicks, yet they foon underítood thisfayingof preaching to the Gentiles : which put them into an anger , ant our Saviour into a danger. Verfe 29. Thruft him out ofthe City] As unworthy to tread on their pavement. Andfo mad they were,that.they could neither flay till thebufìneffe were brought to a judiciall tryall, nor forbear execution till the Sabbath were over. Verfe 3o. But hepafng, &c.] Like a fecond Sampfon : his .own arme faved him. This might have convinced his adverfaries; but that theywere madwithmalice. Verfe 31. And came down to Capernaum ] Contempt drives away Chrift. And woebe untoyou ifIforfake you , Hof. 9. 12. Contend earneftly for theFaith , fith it is but once deliver- ed to the Saints, lade 3. You mull never expect another editi- on of it. Verfe 32. For his wordwar withpower ] He preached notfri- gide & trepidé,as theScribes : but utteredoracles,and did miracles. Verfe 33. And in the Synagogue] See NotesonMarky,23. Verfe 34. TheHoly One ofJod] The Pope will needs be cal. led Molt Holy : and fo lifts uphimfelfabove Chrift. CHAP. V. Verfe z. e/lr thepeople prefed f upon him] r`'His was both an argument of the truth of his humanity 1 ( that he was throng'd and thruft together by the un- mannerly