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Chap. 5, according to St L u K E. mannerly multitude) and a part of his paffion. Verfe 2. Were wafhing their nets ] Though they labour- ed laft night and had taken nothing. Ferendum & fjeran, deem. Hope beguiles calamity , as good company Both the >way. -Verfe 3. Heprayedhim] Gr. Hegently asked him, Will you igr, nmv., be.pleafed to thrall out a little ? SeePhilem.8,9. Poffe & nelle, bile eft. Taught the people out of the Chip] Any place ferved him for a pulpit. So ifmenbe ddirous tohear, they will make a mat afeat, apairoflegs a feat. Verfe 4. Let do-MI your nets ] This is thefarehe paies them, for the ufe oftheir Chip. No man lofeth by Chrift. Verfe S. We have toyledall night, &c.] Omniaßi, er nihil ex- rpartide. pedit, faid Severtu the Emperour. See Hab.2.I3. Hag. 2.6. IfGod flap not that hole in the bottomof the bag, all will run thorough., Verfe 6. And their net brake] Yet the fiches got not out : which fome note for another miracle. Verfe 7. Filledboth theChips] Here the dumbfillies do cleerly preach Chrift to be the SonofGod. Verfe 8. ForI am a finfuli man] gr. A man, a firmer, a AP eiFcI10 very mixture and compoundofdirt and fin. See the like phrafe, ?ós Numb.3 2.14. Verfe 9. eAAndhe was afloniflied] Gr. Fear feazed upon him, mv=x.r; andfurroundedhim,as Tacitas faith Induerepavores, Verfe I o. Thou fbalt catch men] See theNote onMatthew 4. 19. Verfe i I. Theyforfookall, andfollowed him ] They hadgiven their names to him before, 7ohn I. But now they fee by this mira- cle his power to provide for them, they leave all to livewith him. We love to fee howwe íhall fublifl-. Verfe 12, Ifthou Wilt, thou canfl ] It is a ready way to fpecd, to found our prayers upon the power ofGod. Verfe 13. IWill , be thou clean] So ready is Chrift to Va- tifie his füppliants , yea to be commanded by them , 45. II. Verfe 14.. For ate/limony unto them] For a Bill ofindiment againft them. Reprobates fhall give an heavy account toGodof all the meansandoffersofgrace. z Verse is-.