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A Commentary upen the GoJ'el Chap. 6. Verfe 15. Butfomuch the more] Fame followes them that fly from it and the contrary : as the Crocodile Both. Verfe 16. e/Ind he Withdrew] Pray , if you meane toprof- per. Verfe 17. Andthepower ofthe Lord] So tis, when any Ordi- nance is afoot. Verfe 18. eflndbeheldmen brought] See the Notes onMatt. 8.2,'3, &c. and on Mark.2.3.&c. Verfe 2o. Thyfinsareforgiven thee] Let our fickneules mind us ofour fins, that wemay loon feek pardon. Verfe 23. Whether is eater] q. d. Neither ofeither: for both are equally hard, and feifable to Godalone. 4r /PE4. Verfe 36. Strange things] Gr. 'Paradoxes, things that we never thoughtto have feen and above beleif,, had we not feen them. Verfe 35. And then(ball they fall ] This . is fulfilledfaith Bel- sell.dejefunio larmine, in our Lent-falls. But this was fulfilled fay we, when. to. zo. Chrift was crucified, and the Apoftles mourned. Papifts fet-fafts are meer mock-falls. Verfe 39.. Theold 'isbetter] That is , milder, and fo pleafan- ter. Vetuflate enimvina mitefcunt, quia vetuftas igneumcalorem,, acerbitatem, & faces e vino tollit. Age clarifies wine, and ri- pen °it. CHAP. I. Verfe i. On the fecond Sabbathafter thefirft ] j.Erom faith, thatheasked Nazianzen what this fecond Sabbath J after the firil was ? Na.z.ianzen anfwered, I'le tell you that , Tau. when I:come next into the pulpit, for there you cannot contradieb me. Itaper jocumdixit ( faith Melanchthan), quadhodieferiomulti imiraxtur. See the NoteonMatta2.z. Verfe 2. That which is not lawfull ]: Our Saviour exat it had not been lawfull indeed, but in cafe of hard bunk ger. Verfe 3, Have yenot read?] Yes, over and over : but either underftood hot, or,throughmalice,di(fembled it. juuilibet no forum de lege interrogates facilus quays nomen futon refpondet; faithHofeph,N,TheJewes were all verywel.verfed in the Scriptures. :Verfe