Chap.6. according to Sc L U K E. Verfe 6. e4ndit came to pafe] See theNotes on MMttthew .12.9,1o,i 1,&c. 'Verfe i2. He went out into a mountain topray] He premifeth prayerbeing to make choife of the twelve. If Eleazar prayed when to feeka wife for Ifaac,Gen.24. If Salomon prayed for wif- dom, erehe let upon theTemple-work. If Ezra failed and pray- ed, ere he committed the golden and flyer vellels to them that keptthem,Ezra 8.21.30. Should there not prayerbemade forMi- filers, ere they be fet over Gods houle and people? Verfe i 3. aAnd of them he chofe] See Notes on Matthew I0. I. Verfe ae. Bleffed heye poor] Here we l?s'.ve a repetition of that famous Sermon in the Mount , Matt. 5.6, 7. See the Notes there. Verfe 22. And caji out your name] Vbicunque invenitur no- menCalvini, deleatur, faith the Index expurgalorim. Perfecutors profcribe true profelfours, tanquamnequiffrmos cíß loci! hujr« ufu- xâ indignor.After 7oh. Huffewas burnt,his adverfaries got his heart which was left untoucht by the fire , and beat it with their flaws. E i2 li, t5. AFrier preaching to the people at Antwerp , wilhed that Luther adébtreo?at. 'were there, that he might biteout his throat with his teeth, as E- rafmtcs teflifieth. Verfe 25. Woe unto you that laugh nova] Worldlingsjollity isbut as a Book fairlybound : which, when its opened , is full of nothing but tragedies. Verfe 26. When all men (hall gseakkyvell ] What evill have I done faid Ariflides , when one toldhim hehad everymans good sex. de reined. word ? Male de me loquuntur, fedmali faith Seneca. 11;talisd6li- fort, cere, laudari eft. WhenDoeg blafted `David, he thinks the bet- ter of himfelf, Ffa1.52.8. Lasymer fayes , he was glad whenany Ser.laft afore objetled indifcretion againfl l im inhis-Sermons : for by that, he Kin En Eldraærd. -knew the matter was good ; elfe they would foonhave condem- g ned that. Verfe 29. Thatfmiteth thee on the one cheek] Socrates, when onegave him abox on the ear inthe market-place laid , ammo- leftum eft nefcire homines quando prodire deheant cumgalea ? What an odde thing it is to go abroad without a head-peice. Verfe 3o. C /ive to every man, &c. ] Generali ,Norrice never thought he had that,that he gave not away. It is not lack but love ofmonythat maketh menchinks. Iii