68 A Commentary upon the Gofiel. Chap. 7, Aa themnot ags in ] Or ifthou take the benefit of theLaw to recover them , do it withouthate or heat : as Tilters break their fpears on each others breafts, yet without wrath , or intention of hurt. Viand hisTra_ Verfe 31. And as ye Would that men ,. c. ] The molt part vets, of the Turks Civil! Juftice is grounded upon this Rule as is a- bove noted. Verfe 35. Lend, hoping for nothing] No not the principali,,, in cafe thybrother be not able to repay it. ThomawTomkins Mar- tyr aWeaver dwelling inShore-ditch, whenfoever any had come to borrowmony ofhim,wouldahew them:füch mony as he had in Ads and MO° his purfe, and bid them take it: And when they came to repay it set' a,94. again, fo far was he fromUfiu'y , that hewould bid them keep it. longer , till theywerebetter able. To the unthankfull, and to the evill] An unthankfull man is a. naughtyman : nay, he is an uglyman,Pfd. 147.1. Verfe '38. Intoyour bofome ] The Jewes ware largeand lode garments, fo that they could bareawaymuch in theirbofomes.. Hence this expreflion. CHAP. VIL Verfe 2. e/fnd.a certainCenturionsfervant Ifeator thinks that this Hiftory is not the.fanale with :that, 1` 'Matthew'8.5. His reafons may beread in his Scholia onthat place. V defs, Verfe 4. That he Was worthy] So theyheld him but:he,held himfelfunworthy,verf..6. God in like manner faith that Jerufalem had received double for her fumes , Ifaiah 40. 2. But Jerufalem her . felffaith, OarGodhathpunifhhedus le fJ'e then our fins,Ezra 9. i 3. Toomuch, faith God : Too little, faith file: andyet.how.fweet ly andbeautifully doth this kindof contradiction become both ? Verfe 5. Built its aSynagogue] Antiochus had burnt:up the Synagogues in fundryplaces. This man,nowconverted , is con- tent to be at colt for Godandhis people. So the Ifraelites re- ceived to favánragain after their foul fall in letting up the:gol-- den calf; brought enough and to fpare toward the workof the Tabernacle. Verfe 6..,For. Iam notworthy ] So faith ?gob ofhimfelf, 32. Io,. k