Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap: 7. according to SC L u K E. 69 32. io. fo Paul, i Cor. 15. fo the Baptiff. -Matt. 3. fo efluguffine,. Nonfur, di nur, quern to diligar,.`Domine,. I amnot worthyof thy love , Lord. Verfe 9. Hemarvelled] See the NoteonMatt. 8.. i o. Verfe 12. There lawadead man ] Though a young man., Our decrepit age both expeds,deathand follicits it: but vigorous youth: lookes ffrangly upon that grim fergeant of God.. Senibw mors in januie, adolefcentibus in infidiir, Bern. Death feizeth on old men,. and layes wait for the youngeft. Verfe 13. He had compafon onher] Of his own free accord,.. and unrequeffed,he railed him. Chritf had a moff tender heart. How fhall he not pity and provide for his praying people Verfe 19. effrt thouhe thatJbouldcome] The foul reffeth not till it pitch upon Chriff. See the Notes onMatt. Y I.2 &c.. Verfe 23. Andble(fed is he] This is check to them for their prepoflerous zealfor zahn,. their Matter, Therefore altoour Sa- viour commends not yohn, till they were departed. Verfe 28... But he that is leafs] This is no fmall comfort to the. Miniffers of the Gofpel, againftthe contemptscalf upon them by the world. They are fome-bodies in heaven,what ever men make ofthem. Verfe 29. yuflifiedcod] i. e.. They glorified his word,. 13.48. and acknowledgedhis righteoufneffe , repenting of their fins, and beleevingyohns and Chrifis teffimony , which the Phari- fees fopertinacioufly rejected. Verfe 3o. Reje£led the counfell of Cod I Being ingrati grathe Dei,asAmbrofe 1peaketh,and fo muchthe furtheroff, for that they Craw the people fo forward. Verfe 33. Neither eating bread ] But Loads and wild.; Bony. Verfe 3:5. of all her children 1. That is, her difciples , Pfd.. 34.íz., Verfe 36. 'Sat down tomeat] It was fit.hefhould feast Tome- times,that fared fohard mofflÿ. Verfe 3 8. To wafhhisfeet] They that.make. their eyes afoun tain to waft: Chriffs feet in , lhall have histide. for a fountain , to wafh their fouls in. Kiffedhisfeet] But howmany now refufe thofe kiffes of his. mouth,. Cant. c. 1. by defpifing the word preached,. that fweet. Rledge ofhis love ?. I:i i. 3. Veri 39,