Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

A Commentary upon the Gofjel Chap,B. Verfe -39. This mars, ifhe were a Prophet] See the picture of an hypocrite,(lighting and cenfuring his betters. whatmanner of Woman this is] Syr. what an ill name/ cbath, for a lighthufwife. Verse 4o. 1 have fomeechat tofay to thee'] He that receives a curtefie, we fay, felts his liberty. But fo did not Chrift at Simons, at Martha's, &c. table. His mouth was not (topped with góod chear. He entertains thePharifees with as many menaces, as they do himwithmeifes ofmeat. Verse. 44. wa,/hed my feet with tears] We read not that the Virgin Mary ever did asthis greater firmer did. Repentance is the E9pí ,uZe54 fairchildof that foul mother,fin, as the Romane faid ofPompey: Pi Aram:, air- And it is queftion whether more glorifies God,Innocence or Pe- yok. nitence ? Verse 47. For Jbe loved much] Nam , notificativum eft , non irnpulfivum. Her love was an Argument (nota caufe) that her fins were forgivenher. Verse 48. Thyfnnes are forgiven thee] Melanchthon makes mentionofa godly woman,, who having upon herdeath-bed been much confiic`Ied , and afterwards much comforted ,brake out into these words ; Now, and not till now, I underftand the meaning of thofe words, Thyfns areforgiven. It is ftoried of another 'that courting a curtezan,and nnderftanding that her name was Mory e he remembred MaryMagdelen , and forbearing to commit that aft of fifthineffe that he intended, became a found convert. CHAP. VIII. Verfe 2. Whichhad beenhealed] FXodus 31. After fickneffe, they were to offer to God the ran- force oftheir lives. Hezckiah teftified his thankfi lnefl'e for recovery, by aFong : these good women by followingChrift ; when they might have ftaied at home with more cafe to them- felves.; andmore thank of their friends. Nay, very Heathens after a fit of Gckneffe, would confecrate fomething to their gods. Verse 3. Joanna the wife ofChuza, Herodsfleward] Or Trea- furer,as theArabick calleth him: hisVicar-Generall,or Protetrach. This Court-Lady followethChrift : fo did Serena the Empref e, who