Chap.& whowas therefore Martyredbyher husband Diocletian. So Eii- Luch in Epifi. zabeth ueen'ofDenmark '; of whom Luther teftifieth , that the rd(jo;Agrrcol. died a faithfull profeffour ofthe Reformed Religion: and addeth, Scilicet Chri rt4 etiam aliquandovoluit Reginam in ccelum vehere. Chrift wouldonce fave a Qaeen ; whichhedoth not often. Verfe 4. And wi?isn much people, &c.] See the Notes on `Matt. r 3. 2, 3, &c. Verfe 12. Taketh away the word] Leafi , if it fhould lie long Jam .t. at. upon their hard hearts, it fhould break through them with its weight, as being able tofave theirfouls. Verfe i4. Go forth, &c.] Viz. About their worldly bufi- netfes ; which as the leankine inPharaohs dreame, devour the fat, and it is nothing feen by them. After a while , they remember no more then the man in the Moon doth, what they had heard delivered. Verfe 15. In an hone, l ] Referred to the end, and intent- in the a.ion. e.4 idgoodheart] In refpe61 of inward renewed qualities. Haviqheardthe word , keep it ] As food or phylck , whichif not kept, profiteth not. They incorporate it into theirfouls , fo as it becomes an ingraftedword ; they are transformed into the fame image, conformed to the heavenly patterne. uDr withpatience ] Or, with tarriance for the fit feafon : Not as that rath-ripe fruit,verf..13. andPfal. r 29. Verfe i6. No manWhen hebath lighted, &c. ] q. d. Though to youit is given to knowMyfteries , &c. as verfe jo. yet not for your ovine rife onely, but that your light may Thine be- fore men. Verfe 18. rake heed thereforehoW je hear] For elfe ye mall neitherbear good fruits, nor be bornwith for your barrenneffe. All fhall out, and you 'bail fmart for it. Verte 25. lwhereis yourfaith ? ] It is not the having faith, but the living by it , the aauating of it , that helps us in an exigence. Verfe 27..A certainmanwhich had devils] All Pharaohs cru- elty exercifed over the Ifraelites , was nothing to this. Oh then Chryioth theunexpreffible torments of the damned 1, -Vtinam ubique de CÇehenna dif ereretur ! faith a Father. I could wifh men would difcourfe muchand oft of hell. Verfe 29, 4ndWay driven of the devil! ] A,s a horfe is by his rinaúveTO.. rider according to Sr L g K E.