72 A Commentary upon the Gofßel Chap. 9. rider(fó the word,figtiifieth). or a fhip with oares. All wicked menare aged and agitated by the devill, Eph. 2.2. Perfecutorse- fpecially. uodfzviderisaliquando perfecutorem tuum nìmis favien.. tem, fcitoquia ab afcenfore[noDiabolo perurgettor. IfPerfecutors fometimes bemore moderate, it is becaufe the devil! fpursnotfo. ;hard. .Verfe 3o. Andhe f'id, Legion] We mutt be ready and well appointed:to refill : forthedevil fetsupon us not without military 4ifcipline,and fingular skill, Cataphraçlus incedit Satan, faith Ltt- ther. The devill marcheth well armedand ingoodarray. _ Verfe 33. And theherd ranviolently] Sowould the poffeffed man foonhave done, but that Godpreferved him. Verfe 35. Sittingat thefeet oflefus ] As fearing, leaft if he departed, he fhouldbe repofieffed. So we fee its an old error and weaknefle for men tobe t o.o ftrongly conceited ofChrifts 4orporeallprefence, Bern. J1a;Z.'fa, CHAP. IX. Verfe 7. Andhe reasperplexed] Endebat , animi dubius. Fie flood amufed and amazed : he ftnck in themud, as it were , and could find no way out.This is theimport ofthe Greek word. Thus thewicked, in the fulneffe ofhis fufficiency is in ftraits, as Zopharhath it, lob. i 5.a2. Verfe 9. Andhe defrredtofeehim] with a faint and fruitlefl'e delire : for henever ffirred out ofdoors to fee Chrift, though he beleived that Godhad raifed him from thedead. So true is that ofAbraham, Luke 16. 3 z. Perhaps he defired to fee whether it were ?ohn or not. Verfe I I. And hereceived them] Weary thoughhe were, yet never weary ofwel-doing. Verfe 13. except We fhould go , fo-c.] Which isa thingnot only improbable, but impoffible. They held it an abfurd mo- tion. Verfe. 18. Ashe Was alonepraying ] Cxaminationi preces pra- mitten& , All our facrifices hould be falted with this fait. Verfe i9,. Bsttomefay Elias ] This yythagoreantranfanima- tion is heldby the Jewes to this day, v ;z. (utfisgulitertio renafcan- tur) againft fomany deer teltimonies of Scripture to the contrary. Verfe z8