;chap. 9. according to S` L u K E. 73 , Verfe 28. About eight dayes] Putting the two utmoftdayes allo into the reckoning. See the Notes on Matthew 17. I. &c. Verfe 29 Andas heprayed] Dum ipfius mens totaDeofe itn- Luc.Bi r enf. mergeret, faith one. Chriftians, whiles they are praying are oft-times carried out and beyond themfelves. See Matt. 17. 2, 3. and theNotes there. Verfe 3 I . e./fndjpake ofhis deceafe ] Cr. Of his Exodus; in , E0Av, referenceto that expedition or departuteof Ifrael out ofEgypt. It fignifietha tranflating from a condition and fate ofhardship : and is allo ufed bySaint `Peter 2 Epif tier .15. Death to theSaints is but anout-going toheaven; a fooling from the fhoreoflife,and Philip. r.:ì. launcingout into the maine of Immortality. Verfe 34. There came a cloud ] See the Note on Matthew 5. Verfe 39. eflad bruiting him] As in the falling fickneffe, it falls out. Verfe 44. Let thefefayingsfink,, &c.] `Ponite, reponite, lay of.,v. tip the fayings ofmy fuflerings, notwithfianding this peoplesvain applaufes. The belt balm calf into water,finks to the bottom: the baler fort,flotes on the top. Verfe 51. That hefhould be receivedup] The word implies a zvánn 4s- Metaphor from fathers owning and acknowledgingtheir children Poly. Lifer. after longabfence. He fee his face ] He fteeled his forehead against all difcou- = 51'e4=' ragements. Verfe 53. And they did not receive him] Such is the hatred that Idolaters bear againft all Gods trueworfhippers. Illam Do- mum in qua invent-us fuerit hareticus diruendam decernimus : It was a Decree of the Counfell of Tholoufe againff the Albi- genfes. Verfe 54. Andwhen his dill/pies] Thefe two brethren , fons ofthunder , how foon was their choler up ? they had quick and hot fpirits. Wilt thou that we command ] It were to be wished that we would Brit confult with Chi-Wc in his word , ere we itirre handor foot to revenge. Verfe 55. But he turned and rebukedthem] Hedid it not flight- ly, andby the by , but ferioufly and on let purpofe : fc, muff we rebuke and rebate our vindictivefpirits, our unruly lufts , when Kkk like