74 A Commentary upon the Goffiel Chap.io._ like kine in a (trait they rufh and ride, one upon the back ofa- nother. Te know not 'what manner of f irit ye are of] Not of Vim his.. fpirit, as ye imagine : this wild-fire was never kindled onGods hearth, as his zeal was : you are men of another mould then Eli= as. Hewas a Minifler ofindignation, you ofconfolation : his aL 2 'veov b c` lions fit not you , becaufe your perfons are not like his : It is a .$eeáv à'dá rare thing to be of anheroicall Spirit faith the Moralifl. Every .v . Arißot. man cannot be anElias or aThineas,Numb.25.8. To that height of heat, ordinary mens tempers ate not railed. Verfe 58, And7efus faidanto him] Chrift had felt his pilfe, and found his temper , that he lookedafter outward things only: and thereforehe lets himknow what to trufl unto. Verfe 6a. No manhavingput hisband] Chrift here haply al, ludeth to that whichElifhadid, i King19. 19. CxAP. X. Verfe I. Otherfeventyalto ] k Shis heralds , to forefhew his comming to Jerufalem, and.. , to proclaime the trueJubilee. Verfe 3. royourwayes] Chrift had nofooner bidden them pray, but he anfwers their prayers. Whenwe bidour childrenask for thisor that, it isbecaufe we meantogive it them. As Lambsamong Wolves ] Sed follicitudo pafl'oris boni efficit ut lupi in agnos andere nilpofat, faith Ambrofe. The _careof the good fhepheard is the fafety of the flock. Verfe 4. Salute no man] For that your task is long , your . time is little. Verfe 8. Such things as theyfet beforeyen] Not feeking after eiCcro. dainties. It becomes not a fervant ofthe Highefi,to be a (lave to his palat. Epicurei, dum palato profpiciunt , cceli palaium non fu- J! iciunt faith the, heathen. Verfe a i. That the Kingdom ofGod] There is in unbeleifan o- dious unthankfulneffe Such judge themfelves unworthy of eternal! life,Ab!. i 3.44. they arecondemnedalready101).3. Verfe 16. He that deffifeth you] ulius Pflugius , complain- ingto the Emperour ofwrong done to him by the Duke of Saxo- ny, received this anfwer frpm .him, Tray crosfa exit meaMfg; fo faith;