Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap. zo. according to St L U KE. 7 S faith Chrift to all his fervants. Caufa ut fit asaagna, magmas ef . odor & author ejus : neque enim noffra eft , faithLuther to Me.. lanchthon. Verfe 17. Andthefeventy returnedagain with joy] We are all naturally ambitious, and defirous of vain-glory. A fmall wind blowesup a bubble. Pray down this vanity. Verfe 18. Fall from heaven] That is , from mens hearts which he accounts is heaven : but is cart Out', by the mighty Gofpel. Verfe 19. To treadonferpenis] See the Noteon Mark.i6.18. GoodMiniffetstread fo hard on the old Serpents head,that its no wonder he turns again, and nibbleth at theirheeles. Verfe 20. That your namesare written] That you areenrol- led Burgeffes ofthenew Jerufalem. Paul by his priviledge of being a Roman, efcaped whipping we by this efcapedamna- tion. The Griner - ingroffeth his name in the book of perdi- tion. Verfe 2 i . J thank.thee ô father,&c. ] With this prayertheA nabaptifts of Germany ufually began their Sermons; thinking Salfret, f¿r.: thereby to excufe their lackof learning. And thenprotefted that they would deliver nothing but what was revealed to them from above. Verfe 23. Wed are the eyes , &c. ] How bleffed then are they that hear this Arch-prophet in heaven, .Mofes and Eliaa convertingwith Chriff in the Mount , could much better difcourfe of his deceafe , and other divine doctrines, then ever they could whiles here uponearth.Aninfant ofone day there,ismuchbeyond the deepelt Doctor here. 24. Many Prophets and Kings ] Many righteous faith Matthew. Righteous perfons are Kings. Match. 13. . Verfe 27. with all thy heart,, and c. ] Serviendum Deo toto corde : ideft, amorefummo, morevero , orefdeli'', re onni : Hoc Martial. nonfit verbis : Marce ut ameris, ama. Here force weak Chri{tians are troubled, as conceiting that they love their children,friends,&c.better thenGod. But it is anfwer- ed , i. When two fireames run in one channell (as herenature and grace do) they run fironger then one ft earn Both. When D. Sibbes.oa a man loves God and the thingsof God, grace is alone : nature z Cci,z$ yeelds nothing to that. 2. Wemull; not judge by an indeliberate patïion. The love of God is a conftant ftream : not a torrent, K l&1s _ ___ nt