Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

76 A Commentary upon the Gofiel Chap. i a but acurrent, that runs all our life time, but runs {till andwithout Claudian: noyfe, as the waters ofShiloh,and ofNiluc , null& confef to mur- mure vires,that runs fmoothly. With all thyflrength ] That is, faith a Divine, inour particu. lar places. A Magiftrate'mufl execute Juftice for Gods fake; &c. tiarohaRa . Verfe 3o. Andfefts anfwering ] Gr. Taki_ng the tale out ofhis Dan s 13, mouth,being ready withhis anfwer. For he is that Palmoni Ham- medabbar inDaniel, that prime Prolocutour. Verfe 31. And by chance] Indeed by theprovidence ofGod over ruling the matter, as it doth in things that to usare meerly cafuall andcontingent. Aqrugn v Verfe 32. Paffed by on the other fide] For fear oflegalt poilu- tion. But twoduties never meet fo, as tocroffe one another : the one ofthem yeilds : and the execution of the yeilding duty for the prefent hath reafonof anoffence. This Levites legali ftriL _ neffe was hereavice : he fhould rather have (hewedmercy to his brother in mifery. So that the Rule , Negatives alwayes bind, in tends not that theyareofan indifpenfablenature : but that every particular inftant of time is tobe obferved for their obedience , Muet ofGonf while and where theyhandof force. Pate VS. Verfe 33. eA certainSamaritan] Turnebusdietos putat Pa rabolanos quafi amulos Samaritani. Hoc autem nomine vo- cabantur , qui curandis debilium corporibus deputabantur. Thofe that looked to tick people were hence called Parabolanes , or Samaritans. Verfe 34. Pouring in Oyle and Wine] Wine to fearch, and Oyle to fupple. Wine fignihes the fharpnefîe of the Law ( faith Melanchch. .lílelanchthon) Oyle the fweetnefte of the Gofpel. Now, fo great ìnconfil.Theo- is the naturali fympathy and harmony between the vine and the log.Wigand. olive, that theolive being grafted into thevine bringsforth both Syntag; grapes andolives. Verfe 39. Sateat 7efus feet ] As hisdifciples, A. zz. 3. So thechildren of the Prophets of old : whence that expreffion, z King. 2.3. KnoWef thou not that the Lord will take away thyMa- fierfrom thyhead to day ? metecarc477o. Verfe 40. Martha- War cumbred ] Diverfly diftrafted. In multitudeofworldly bufneffe, the foul is likea mill , where one cannot hear another,the noife is fuch as taketh away al entercourfe. We fhould lool at the world but only out at the eyes end as it Verfe 41