Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap.' i. according to S° Lu K E. 77 Verfe 41. Thouart carefull] Chrift prefers attention before attendance. To hearken is better then the fat oframmes, r Sam. 15. 22. Verfe 42. But one thing is necefary] That bonum hominis,Mic. 6.8. that totem hominis, Ecclef.r2.13. thehappineffi;, the whole of a man. CHAP. XL Verfe 3. Our dailybread] ® 7lrfuperfubffantiallbread : fo Erafmon rendreth it , and in- ì cm:Poior. terpreteth it ofChrift : for he thought that in fo heavenly a prayer, there fhould have been no mentionofearthly things; wherein he was greatly deceived. For temporals alfo muff be pray'd for. Verfe 4. For wealfoforgive] So that our forgivingofothers feemeth for Gods promife fake, tobe as itwere the intervenient caufe, or the fine ua non of Gods forgiving us, faith learned Bezel. Andleadni not, &c. ] One argument that we fhall perfevere, is , the prayers of thewhole Church,ofBring up this daily facrifice Leadou not, 6-c. Verfe 8. Becaufe of his importunity] Gr. His impudency : A àvaíd`eay. r metaphor frombeggars, that will not be faid ; but are impudent- ly importunate. Verfe 9. AskZ,and it 'balk. given] Ask,Peek, knock. It is not a Pimple repetitionofthe fame thing, but an emphaticall gradation, and fhewes inflantiffimamneceftatem, faith Augufline. Nec di- citur quiddabitur, faith he , toPhew that the gift is a thing fupra omnenomen, above all name. Verfe I r. For every one,d -c. ] Sozomen faith ofApollaneiou,that he never askedany thing of God that he obtainednot. Hie ho mopotuit apedDeum quodvoluit, raid one concerning Luther. He . couldhave what he wouldofGod. Verfe 14. eflnd it was dumb J. So it was a double miracle: Gods favours feldome come Tingle : there is a feries,, a concate nationofthem, andeveryformer drawes on a future. Verfe 21. Whena firongmanarmed] wife dedebant,arma tra- debant.Cafarde bell.ßa11,lib.3.They thatyeìlded threw down their rms. Kkk 3 Verfe 24>