Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

78 Commentary opon tde Gofpei Chapar. Verfe 24. sceking refl] His only all is tomolePt and mifclieif men. Verfe 26.- Seven other lliirits] As the Jaylour layes loadof iron onhim that had efcaped. None are worfe then thofe that have beengood, and are naught : and might be good,but will be naught. Verfe 28. Yea rather blefed] His difciples were more bleffed in hearing Chrift, thenhis mother inbearing him. ivra0eyi '- Verfe 29. weregathered thick, together ] All on a heape, vrw. either to fee a ligne , or to heare what hee would fay to the motion. Verfe 33. No man when he hath lighted, &c. ] Our Savi- our here warneth thofe that had given force good hope of their Repentance , that they cherifh their light, and walke by it. Verfe 34. when thine eye isJingle] A fngle eye , is that that looks onGod fingly, abftraaed from all other things. Verfe 37. Sate down tomeat] And yet, at their own tables, he fets thePharifees forth in their colours , and entertaineth them with as many menaces as they do himwithmetres ofmeat. Godw. Antiq. Verfe 38. That he hadnotwafhed] This the Pharifees deemed Heb. 49. as great afin as to commit fornication. Verfe 41. But rather give alines ] So Daniel counfels Nebue. chadnezzar, Chap. 4.27. 7á o-ra, Offach things as ye have] Cjr. As are within : either within the platter (fend morfels to the hungry)or within your hearts: for riches get within their owners many times , and do more polffeffe them, then are poffeflèd by them ; difficile ei opibiss non tradere mentem. Verfe 42. But woe unto you] Notwithflanding your tything of pot-herbs ; whereinyou think you take courfe that all things may be clean to you,verf..4r. Or woe unto you , for that through covetoufneffe you exac`i the utmoft ofyour tithes, &c. So force lenfe this text. Verfe 44. Forye are asgraves] As the deep grave keeps the flunking carkafre from offending any ones finell : fo doth the dif- fembling hypocrite fo cleanly carry the matter that hardly the fharpefl nofe,&c. Verfe 45. Thou reproacheft us alfo ] Who meddledwith them but that their own confciences acculed them ? It is a ruleof