Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap. a 2 . according to St L u k E. 79 yerome, Vbigeneralis de vitiís di(ntatio eft , ibi maim perfonie eft injuria : neque carbonenotatur quifquam, quafamatte'sfir, fed om- nés admonenzurne fiat mall. Where the difcourfe isofall, there's no perlonall intimation ofany. Verfe 48. Andyebuild their Sepulchers] And fo ye fet up the trophies ofyour fathers cruelty. Verfe 49. Therefore afro /'aid, the wifdome of Cod ] That is, Chrift himfelf, the effentiall wifdome of his Father, Mat- thew 23.3+ Verfe 52. Woe unto you Lawyers] I fee well , faidFather La- timer A¿ ßn3Mon, , that whofoever will be bufy with Vievobis, he (hall. (portly fol. í59o, after come coram nobis,.as Chrift did. For ye have tal¿en away the key ofknoV'leclge ] By taking away the Scriptures, and all good meanesofknowledge : as do alto the Jefuites át this day. At `Dole, .an UniverltyinBurgundy, they have not only debarred the people ofthe Proteftant books , but efpeci- ally alto forbid them to talkofGod, either in good fort or bad, Italy they not only prohibit the books of the Reformed wri- ters, but alfo hide their ownTreatifes, in which the Tenet of the Proteflants is recited, only to beconfined : fo that you (hall fel dome there meet with Bellarmines works or any of the likena- ture tobe fold, Verfe S3. To urge himvehemently] Out ofdeep difpleafure îßr tobear an aking tooth towards him (as Herodias did toward the. Baptift, Mark,6,19,) waiting him a shrewd turn. And to provoke,him to fbeake ] Not to flop his mouth about ma- -ny things, as the Rhemifts faltiy render it. Theyaskedhim capti- úmsc,=7*-1v-- ous queflions , to make him an offendour for a. word, Ifaiai "29, 21. tort p. XII. Verfe i. 'Bewareofthe leaven] Hich our eyes cannot difcern from dough by the colour; - but only our palate,by the tafle. Such is hypocrifie; which allo, as leaven, is i fpreading : a fwelling : 3 fowring the meal : 4.impuring and defiling thehorde where it is, though it be but as much as a mans fift. Verfe. 1 i, .7*ye no thought] See theNote onMatt. Iò. 190 and _.