80 A Commeitar, repot the Go"pet Chap.12; arid onMar/ej 3. z T. ef(lice Driver Martyr , at her examination, putall the1oétors to filence, fo that they had not a word to fay, but one looked upon another. Then fhe faid,Haveye nomore to fay ? Godbe honoured : you be not able to refill the Spirit of God in me apoor woman I was anhoneflpoor mans daughter, never brought up in theUniverfity, as youhave been. But I have driven the Plough many a timebeforemy father, I thankGodtyer Act &Mon, notwithifanding in thedefence of Gods Truth , and in the caufe ofmy Mailer Chrill , by his grace I will let my foot againif the foot ofany ofyou all,in the maintenanceand defence ofthe fame: And ifI had a thoúfand lives , it fhould go for payment thereof : So the Chancellour condemned her , and fhe returned to the Pri_ fon, as joyfull, as the bird ofday. Verfe 15. Take heedandbeware ofcovetoufneffe ] This our Sa- viour addes after who made me a judge ? to teach us not to go toLaw with a covetous mind : but as Charles the FrenchKing made War with our Henry the Seventh, more defring peace then vieTory. Fer amans life confiftethnot, &c.] He can neither live upon them, nor lengthenhis life by them. lalleen Elizabethonce with- ed her felfamilk -maid : Bajazet envied the happineffe ofa poor Ihepheard that fate on a hill-fide merrily repoing himfelf with Tuck.hifi ti6 his homely pipe : Therein{hewing, faiththe hiflorian,that world- ly bliffe confifteth not fo much in poffeflï.ng ofmuch, fubjecl to danger, as in joying in a little contentment void of fear. Verfe 16. Theground ofa certain rich man] Gr. Thecountry : " forhe had laid field to field,till he was the only land-holderthere- abouts; and had a country ofcorn, Efay 58. Verle 17. Andhe thought Withinhimfelf] He was upwith the more, anddown with the leffe : he call uphis reckonings, as cove- tous mens manner is , and after long debate to and fro, conclud- ed what todo. 4:1)e.h oylCero. He talked to himfelf, &c.] A mlous proper word for the purpofe. Verfe 19. Eweanddrink andbe merry] A right Epicure, one that had made his gut his God : another Sardanapalus, that did gate that in earth , that he difgelfed in hell , as Auguftine hath it. Verfe 20. Thoufoole, this night,&c.] This rich foole when,like a ray, he was pruninghimfelfin the boughs, carne tumbling down with