Chap. 12 . according to S` L u K E. withthearrow in hisfide; his glall'ewas run , when he thought it to be but newturned. He chopt into the earth beforehe was a- ware : like as one,that walking in a field cover'd withfnow,falleth into a pit fuddenly. He was shot asa bird with abolt whilf he gazed at the bow : And this may be anymans cafe. Which:made Aultin fayhe wouldnot for the gainof a worldbe an AtheiPfor -One halfhour : becaufehe knew not but Godmight in that time call him. Then ihhofe .fhdll thole things be , &c. ? ] As thy freindsare scrambling for thy,goods , worms for thy body, fo devils for thy foul. We read ofHenry Beauford that rich and wretched Cardi- nall,Bithopof winche/len,and Chancellour of England in the reign of King Henry the Sixth, that perceiving he mullneeds die, he murmur'd that his riches could not repreive him. Fie, quoth he, Fox Martyrs!. will not Deathbe hired ? will mony do nothing ? No : its righ- z ol.a pag 925. teoufneffe only that deliverethfromdeath. . Verfe 26. For therefl] For fuperfluities,when ye cannot pro- videyour felves ofneceffaries: ? Verle 29. Neither beye of doubtfull mind] Hang not in fuf- F1.++ aWei- pence, as meteors doe in the ayre, not certaine whether to hang sas. or fall to the ground, .Meteoradit7a volant quod animos hominum .91agir.Z'hy,Ic fufpenfos, dubios, et quafi fluttuantes faciant. Ar'iftotle himfelfe confeffeth, that offome meteors he knew not what to fay,though of fome other he could fay fomewhat. One Interpreter renders this word, MakZe not difcour/'esin the ayre, as the covetous man doth, when hishead is tolled with the cares ofgetting, or feares of lofing commodity; Or it may note his endleffe framing of pro- je&sfor the compaflingof his delires. The Syriack rendreth it,Let notyour thoughts be diftralIedabout thefe things. Surely as a clock can never Rand ftill, fo longas the plummets hangthereat : fonei- ther can a worldlings heart, for cares and anxieties. Thefe Ufa. him not to rei night orday; being herein like unto the flyes ofE- gypt, or thofe tyrants Ef ay 16. Verle 32. Feare not little flock]Gr : Little, little flock` There is in the originali a double diminutive. If we divide the known parts ofthe world into threeequal' Parts,the Chrifians part isbut Brecrw.xega;.i, as five,, the;Mahometans as fixe, and the Idolaters as ninereene. A- psg '18' mong the belt Churches the molt are the worn ; as, 'Philip 3. 18. Chryfoflome could not find an hundred inAntioch,that he could be well perfwadedof that they should be faved. L11 Verse 33.