,4 Commentary upon the Gojel çhap. t a Verfe 33. eí'treafure in the heavens] As a merchant being to travellintoafarre countrey, doth deliver his money here upon the Exchange, that fo hemaybe lureto receive it againeathis ar- rivall in that Countrey : fo let us that are palling into. another Country, lay up fomething that may ftand us in ffead in that day. Verfe 34. There will your heart be] your inwardeít affe ioná_ yourcheife joy and truff. Verfe 35. Letyour bytes begirded];It implycs is Readineffe 2. Nimblenefl:e, handinefle andhandfomeneffe. A lode, difcin& and diflluent mind is unfit to ferve. God. Here it is, unpirt,, unbleft. Verfe 37.. Blfdarethofefervants] So verfe 38. and43. They frlora4 are three times faid to be bleffed that watch, Terque quaterque be- ad : Felices ter et amplitu.. Verfe 47. Which ,new his Lords will] None are fo filled with Gods wrath, as knowingmen. Sapientesfapienter defcendunt in in- fernum,faith Bernard. The Deviil is too hardforthem. rapi$fr7o: Verfe 48. Muchisgiven] To know our matterswill isthe:great zinc 70.egrd- talent ofall o her. There is a [Much] in that, There is a fpeciall a3M'x depofitum, as the word here uféd importeth. Tim. 6. zo. Verfe 49. Tofendfire on the earth] That is, that perfecution T'm° a' x4, that is Evangelii genius, as Calvin wrote to the lrench_Kitig, ..and dogges at the heeles thepreaching of the truth. Verfe 5o. e.Ind how am Tftrairened] This painful!preconceit ofhispailion, was apart ofourSaviours pailion. This made hint tendmany a night inprayer,. bewayling our fins, and imploring Gods grace, and he was heard in that which he requeftedA Heb. 5. Verfe 57._yeaand lihy-even of yourfelves] Byconftiltingwith yourowne confciences, whichwould, if rightly dealt with, tell you, that Iant that Mefïias t'ou have fo long look't for. xìes &Q«,oíu'. Verfe 58. (jive diligence]. Prow punts Latinifmus,faith `Dra- fin . Da.operam: Id eft,feftina, Cr labora, omnefque modos cogita quomodoab eo lìbereris, as Theophylalk expounds it. Be at - utmoft Baines to get freed from him. Verfe 59.. till thou haft paid the very lac xeitee It is good to compound quicklywith the Lord, andto take up the fuite before ,it come to execution and judgement, left we be forced to paynot . onely the - main debt, ; but the arrearages too, that s tote- time