Chap. 13. acctrding to L ax E. 83 time of Gods long-fuffering and patience , here and here- after. CHAP'. XIII. Verfe i. Toldhimof the (jalileans ] ,O called from /udas Ganlonites or Galilaus their Captaine : to whofe faction alto belonged thole fouie thoufand murderers Aa.21. 38. For Pilate had not authority over the Galileans properly focalled. See Iofeph. lib. I8. cap. 2. Verfe 2. becaufe they fof eredfuch things] None out ofhell ever fuffered more then thofeworthyes Heb. II. Shall any therefore condemne that generation ofGods children Pfal. 73. 15 ? See Lam. 4. 6. Dan. 9. 12. Verfe 3. Except ye repent] Aut poenitendum ant pereundum.. Men muff either turne from finne, or burne in hell. Verfe5. Butexcept ye repent] Except the belt ofyou all repent more and more, when yee fee the examples of Gods wrath, &c. God wouldnot have the wounds of godly forrow fo healed up in hisowne children, but that they fhould bleed afrefh upon every goodoccafion, Dealíorumplagisfaciamus medicaments vulneribus setris. Make heft ufe ofothers miferies. Verfe 7. Cut it dome] Trees that arenot for fruit are for the fire. Godwill lay downehis basket, and take up his axe. He will not alwayesferve men for a finning-flock., Verfe 8. Lord, let it alone thisysare] Happy that people, that have prayingvine=dreffers to intercede for them !Godwill yeeld fomewhat to prayer, whenhe is bitterly bent againft a people or perfon. Till I Jhall di?, &c.] Donee earn ablaqueavero & fiercoravera. °v. Miniffers muff try theirutmoff,to fulfill their miniffery that they have received ofthe Lord. Colof. 4. 17. Verfe 15. Thou hypoi.rite]TheSyrìack rendreth it Af'umens vultum, Thou that fetff a goodface upon it, thou that perfonateft abetter man then thouart ; thou piEtureof piety, &c. Verfe 23, Are there few &c.] Few received Chrift in the flefh. lob. i. 12. he wondred at one good Nathaniel. They are Tvfethe mifp#a that lÖolr towards heaven. rflpparext -sari Nantes in grtrgite vaflo. Themot} reff on that old popith rule, to follow Verfe n. L