84 A Commentary uuori the '.Gofliel Chap.x4. Verfe 24. flrive to.e:9ter] Strive . even to an 'agony or as they did for the garland in the Olympick-games, to the which the word here ufed feemeth to allude. All worldcome to heaven, but all likenot theway; they would not per angufta ad augafl'aper. venire they like well of e.4brahams bofome, but not ofDives his doore. But let none think to live in Dalilahs lap, and then to reft in Abraham; bofome,todance with the Devil! all day, and then to ,fupwithChrift at night; to fly toheaven with pleafant wings, to pated deliciisaddelicias, e cceno adcalum,. &c.. to goe to heaven gt afeather-bed: . Verfe 26. We have eat anddrunk, &c.] Thefe pretenders toChriftperifhbycatchingat their owne catch, hanging on their owne fancy, making a bridge of their owne fhadow, &c. they verily.beleevethat Çhrift is their.fweet Saviour, &c. when it's no fuch matter : they truft to Chrift, as theApricock . tree that leaner against the wall, but isfait rooted in the earth, fo are. thefe in the world, &c. Verfe z9.. AndJhall ftdown]. As at a fumptuous fupper. When thereforewe are invited to a full feaft, think ofheaven : AsFut gentius beholdingat Rome theMajefty ofthe. Emperour, the glory, oftheSenate,,the luftreof theNobility,cryed out, How beautifiil1- isJerufalem the Caleftiall, fith Rome the Terreftriall appeareth ; D. Hall's Art with fuch fplendor ? So Matter Eßy when he fate and heard a, vfdiv.Medit. fweet confort of Ivitifickfeemed.uponthisoccafioncarriedup for the time before-hand to the place ofhis reft, Payingvery paflïo- nately,What Mufick may we think there is inheaven ? Verfe 32-: To day and to morrow] i. e. As long as I lift, without.hisleave: Faith makes a man walk about the world as a. conga erour. 700,.171.4m In I Jball be perfet`led ] Or , 1 fhall be facrificed, asTarezu ren.- l-ac:1.64m °f drab it. eYai',. CHAP.. XIV. Verfe r. They 'watched him]' Ræee, Theyfuperßitiou y,and malicioufly obfervedhim.: Ari ! . PF t' f ot.lib.z, Rhetar. accipit pro eo-quodeft ulcifcendi temptis.caPta- re. They watched as intently as :a dog doth for a bone : they pried as:narrowly intohis anions,,asLabándid into7ecobsRafe.