Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap. r+. acsórdir,g zo Se L u KE. Verfe 2. ell certain man before him] A fit objeel, and. that was fiifficient tomove him to mercy, who himfelf , by fympathy, . took our infirmities, and bare our fickneffes.. Verfe 3. end 7efuaanfwering ]. Viz. Their thoughts,which were naked andopen, naked (for the out-fide) anddiffeded.quar- tered, and as it were cleft through the back-bone (for the in-fide). before himwithwhom they had to deal,Heb.4.i 3.. Verfe 4 .Andhe took him ] Good muffbe done , however it be taken. Verfe 5. mull him out on the Sabbath.-day J The Jew of Tewkefbur , that would not be pulled Out of thefakes whereinto he fell on their fabbath-day, perifhed defervedly.. Verle 6. Andthey could not anfwer] Yet ran away with the bit in their mouths. Verfe .7. when hemarked] Minifte r§ , though they may not be timerfervers,; yet they malt be time-obfervers; and fharply re provewhat they meet with mitre in their people. Verfe 8.. When thou art bidden of any man to a wedding] When fhould a man rather feaft then at the recovery of his loft rib? Verfe_9.:Thou begin withJhame ]. As palling for a.proud' foole : a ftilegoodenough for a felf-exalter. Verfe io. Then (halt thou"haveWorfhi ]Honoreft inhonorante; therefore tobe the teffeefteemed, becaufe without us, and moftly but a puffe offtinking breath, not once to bevalued. Verfe ii.. For whofoever ] See the Note on Matthew 23. 12. Verfe 12. Nor thy rich neighbours] Laudent to efurientium vifcera, non rnl?antium opulenta convivia, faith from. Bifhop Hieron. art" Hooperhad his boardofbeggars, who were dayly ferved by four at. Demerr. ameffe, withwhole and wholefome' meares , before himfelf fate. Aft. & Mon, down to dinner. Verfe i3. Call the poor y Chrift preferres charity before curtefie. Verfe 14. At the refurreSíion ofthe just] Called - theirs,becaufe theyonly (hall havejoy fthat day. it were well for the wicked ifthey might never rife to judgement, or trot directly to hell, and notbebrought beforetheLamb tobe fentenced. Verfe. 15. he, etc..] This man feems to havetailed.Heb.6,f, ofthegoodword. of. God, and of the powers of theworld to L 11 3 some. rorry