Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

86 A Cornrnment,tr, Von the GoJ ei Cha . r P 4. come. Happyhe, ifhe fed heartily thereon. This, faithLuther ,is San5la erapula. Verfe 16. /Wade a great flapper] osF,aaor, zó AmávHV. They are happy that get toheaven : they reft from their labours. Att. &Mon. The Ancients dined frugally fupped liberally. Be of good chear fail that Martyr to her husband that fuffered withher for though wee have but an i11 dinner , wee fhall flip with Chrift. Verfe 18. Ihave bought, &c. ] Licitis perimus omnes. More die by meat, then bypoyfon. Cavete, lateranquis in herba. What Vxorinobere more lawfüll then a farm ? what more honorable, of all pleafures, noia ßeæ, Mal thenmarriage? But thefe men had not fo muchbought their farms, dal. &c. as were fold to them : not fo much married wives, as were married to them. Verfe 19. Ihave boughtfiveyokeofOxen] This anfwers thofe that plead their neceffities, and that they feek not fuperfluities, (as farm upon farm,&c. ) but only a Efficiency. What could be more necef iiry then Oxen, Pith without them he could not follow his husbandry ? Worldlinefle is a great hinderance to heaven, though a man cannot be charged with any great covetoufneffe. Thefe all excufed themfelves out ofheaven, bybringing apologies why they could not go toheaven. Never yet any came tohell,but had force pretence for their coming thither. Our vile hearts will perfwade us that there is force fenfe in finning, and force reafon to be mad. Verfe zo. And therefore I cannot come] Note that the vo- luptuary is peremtory , and faith flatlyhe cannot come. Senfiiall hearts are voidof the Spirit, ?ude 18.19. Miry places could not behealed by the SanEtuarywaters, Ezek.,47. r r. flethly hills fight a- gainft the foul, r Pet. a. i i. Thofe that dance to the timbrell and harp,fay, Depart fromus. ,ob zr, I I. Better bepreferved in brine, then rot in hony. Cet. cert. de Verfe al. Then the materof tIthoufe beingangry] And good reafon he had : for Non modo pluris pactare quad utile videatur , Offitii.{. quam quad honeftum , fed hac etiaws infer fè comparare, & in his addubitare , turpiqimum eft , faith the honelt heathen. Sure- lyas Pharaoh Paid of the Ifraelites, They are intangled in the land, the wilderneffe bathPhut them in,Exod.r4.3. fo may we fay ofma- ny, They are intangled in the creature , the world hathPhut them in, they cannot come to Chrift : They are ilia up in a cave,as thefe five