Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap. t 5 . according ta S` L u i{ E. 87 five Kings ,'ofhua'o. and have hardnefFe of heart, as a great . ftone, rolled to themouth, andhonours, riches and pleafures as fo many keepers, &c. Verfe z6.Andhate not his father, &c.] Much more his farm pa 7 exd%m and his oxen.. It was not thefe, but the inordinate love ofthefe , ex olio repro that detained them, as Chrift here intimateth. Your houle, home, Lavtt, resyurt and goods,yea life,andall that ever ye have ( faith that. Martyr) mattes. Brad. Godhath givenyou as love- tokens,to admonifh youofhis love, to A&sand Mon. win your lovetohim.again. Nowwill he try your love,whether ful. 1492. ye fet morebyhim, or by his tokens, &c. Verfe 28. Intending tobuild a tower ] RodulÀhus Cnalther be ing in Oxford, and beholding Chrift-Church -Colledge fail,. E-- gregium opus : C'ardinalis ifte inftituit collegium, abfolvit popinam. A prettybufinefle ! A Colledge begun,and a kitchin fnifhed. Cbunteth the colt] Let him that intendeth tobuild the tower of godlineffe,fit downfirft and caft up the coft,1eít,&c.. Verfe 31. Sitteth not downfirfll To confult,and fo with good. advice to make War. Romani fedendovincunt,faith l'arro. Thou fhalt fuccour us out ofthe City, z Sam.i 8.3. Verfe 32. Hefendethan Embafjage ] Mit tames preces & la-, chrymas cordi.s legatos , faith Cyprian. Currat poenitentia, ne prucstrrat fententia, faith Chr}fologeu. Repent, ere it be too ate. Verfe 33. That forfak.eth not ] Gr. That bids not famed á7r,re4 4''' to all. y Verfe -34. Salt is good] This was a fentence much in our Savi- ours mouth,Matt.5.13. Mark9.5o. And is here ufed, to let forth thedefperate conditionof Apoftates.. CHAP. XV. Verfe 1. All the tblicans andfanners ]' CHtift.familiarized himfelf with thefe defpifedperlons , and' - 1,_e therebymuchwonne upon them. Affability eauily allureth ,. aufterity di fcourageth;as it didthat honef citizen , which having. in himfelfa certainconflict ofconfcience , cane to Matter Hoopeii. the Martyrs door for counfell. But being abafhed at his auftere Aft. & Mon, behaviour not come in , but departed. feeking rem.- [01.1366. dy