Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

88 A Commentary upen the Gvflreì Chap, dy of his troubled mind at other mens hands , &c. Werfe 2. But the Scribes and Pharifees ] BeingFick of the de_ ivils difeafe, and doing his lulls, 70h.8.44 Verfe . yoy fkall be in Heaven] Would we then put harps into the is hands,ditties into their mouths? Repent. Verfe '8'. iffbelofe onepeice] One Teflon 'Drachma eniva:; lehatfeptem denarias cum dimidio. Breerwòodde namh. Jud.c.m Sec the margentofour newTranflation. , And fweep the houfe ] Everrit, not Evertit, as the vulgar bath it corruptly : and Gregorwith others were deceived by it in their difcants and gloflés, nothing to the purpofe. Verle i 2. He dividedunto themhis living] Gr. His life. Our I'fe is called the life ofour hands, Ifaiah 57,1o. becaufe it is upheld by the labo:irofourhands. Verfe 13. gathered all together ] Convafatis velati omni- btts. tt sos2unfa With riotous living] A7ai7re Not caring to fave anypart , fibi veable. nshil refervans, irnofeipfum nonfervans, being fuch as fafety it felt could not fave : whence theLatines call fuch a manPerditum , an undone perfon. Such were thofe ofwhomSeneca faith, that fa'n- gulis auribur bina aut tern dependentpatrimonia, hanged twoor threegood Lordships at their eares. H. S. rnilliesin And fuchare thole amongfl us that turn lands into laces; great culinam conger rents into great ruffes, &c. The expences ofApiciue his kitchín a- ft. Sen. mounted to more then two millions ofgold. He havingeaten up his eflate, and finding by his account that he hadno more then. 2oc000. crowns remaining,thought himfelfpoor,and that this füf- heednot tomaintain his luxury : whereupon he drank down a glaffe ofpoyfon. Verfe 16. A d hezrouldfainehave filledhisbelly] The flomack of man is a monfler(faith one)which,being contained in fo little a bulk as his body, is able to confume and devoure all things. Verfe 17. endwhen hecarrnhimfelf] For till thenhehad beenbetides himfelf, and not his Anworthy. Nebulo (faith one) comethofNabal; fooleoftàus0 -: eeeoaa6- eeoyie are of neer af- finity. Evill is Hebrew fora foole, &c.' Wickedneffe is called the foolifhne(fe ofmadnefe, Ecclef.7.25. Verfe 18. AgainJt heaven and before thee] That is, I have not only thee, but thewholeheaven for á fwift witneffe againflme of mine offences and out-burfis. The heaven Both declare mine iniquity,