Chap. t 6 . according to S` L u KÈ. ' 89 iniquity, -and the earth rifeth up againft me , yob 20. 27. Verfe 20. When= he vnas yet agreat Way of] Tantumvella Deus tibi pr eoccurret, faith aFather. The hrodigall was but con- ceiving apurpofe to return, and Godmet him, Ifaiah 65. 24. And kiffedhim] One would have thought he fhould have kick- edhim, or havekilled him rather : but God is Pateriniferationum, he is all bowels. The prodigall came, the father ran : God is flow ! to anger, fwift, I flewmercy. Verfe 2i. 'Pather,Ihavefanned-] Confeffe , and the mends is made.. Harno agnofcit, Deus ignofcit. Acknowledge but the debt., and he will croifethe book. Andam nomore worthy, c c. ] InFernus fam domine, Paid that Mr, Hooper 1t holy Martyr; Lord, I am hell,but thou art heaven_: I am foile,and his death,A(t. a finkoffin, but thoua g, acious God,&c. &Mon. 1374; Verfe 23. eflnd bring hither the fatted calfe] Chriff is that Ati.andMon. fatted calfe, faith Mr. Tindall Martyr, [lain to make penitent fin-, fo1.936. hers good chearwithall : and his righteoufneffe is the goodly ray- ment to cover the nakeddeformities of their runes. Verfe 24. For this myfonne Was dead, &c.] So fareth it with every faithfullChriftian. Hewas 'dead, but now lives, and cannot be infenfilile or'ignorant offuch a change: )-Verfe 2y. Andyet thou never gaveft me a kid] Much leffe -a calfe..Hypocrites holdGod to be in their debt, and through dif, content.weigh not his favours, as being never without fome aylejnent. Verfe 3o. But affoone as this thy fount] He fayth not, This my brother; he would not once owne him, becaufe in po- verty. Which loathdevoured thy living] q -d. which youwere fo hafty tó,ß give untohim-before your death (which you need not have done) andnowhe hathmade afaire hand ofit. Verfe 32. WAS loft, and isfound] Of hi-mfelfhe left his Fathom yet ishe called theloft fon - si A P: XVI. Verfe t. 4certat4e rich asi n which had Steward] /1"Afters had need look well 1. To the chufng of their fer- . isJ.vants. (S4/ernQ,s faw-7eroj'omthat he was induftrious, and Mmm there