ao A Commentary the Golpel ëhap. 2 6., therefore without any refpea at all tohis Religion, hemade him r. ler over all the charge ofthehoufe of 7afeph;bnt to his fingular d4Çadvantage. a. IÇ fag ?a. 28. with chaps. 12. 3. I a. To the tilingof them : Moil inert make no otherufe oftheir fervants then they doe oftheir beafts : whiles they may have their bodyes to doe their fervice, they re not if their foules ferve the Pevita. 'deuce they fo oft provefge änd perfidious. Verfe 2. Give an account of thyflewardfhip] rationena mpo ivdtfgifxehro p test_.laid Cato. Stewards íbçuld. often at- connt with their.m íl:.ers. Verfe 3. I cannot dig, &c.] They, that w411, get wifedome, snuff bothdtg u,bgg. Proo. 2-, 3. 4- Verfe Zah6 tyy, bill] The (cope of this parable is, ut pro fufionem charitate ergapaupgrgr campenfemus, faith Bez4, that we e piate,. as it vwere out prodigality by (hewing mercy to the piQore Pdna4. 27. é$úgie. Verfe. 8,. And the I,árd commended]; Gr. that . r4 'viz, the Stewards Lordsnot the Lord Quilt who Xelátet<á this parable. ()Ofwe underltand;it.ofÇhrift (asthe Syriack heredoth) .yet He herein,.no, more approxeth of this Stewards. falfe-dealing, them he doth of the Vfiirers trade. Match. 5,.. 2.7. or the theeves i.Th4. 5.2. Ol;.tie dancers Math.. i.r.. 17.. or the Olympick . games t Gor.9, 24. &,ecatfe, he.h# ( done tkife1]. The vl,orldlings; -w fedonie- ferves; him (as the Oftriches wings) to make him out-run others upon: earth,and-in eaAhly, things,; buchelpshim never a whit toward heaven.. e/frein their generationivifer]A fwine that wanders can make. 1}etterfhiftto get home.ta the trough, then a- íheepe can to the few. Wehave not received, the fpirit.of this world i Cor. 2. 12. we cannot fhift and.plot .as they, can ,: but we have received,abet -. ter, thing. The fox,is;utiifein his generation, the ferpent fubtile, fo is theDevitt too.When he was but, oung, he out-witted our ñrít- parents,, 2 Cor. it. 3. jtetch. Adatar. - Then the childrenoflight); AstheAngels are called Angels of light 2: Cor. ii..14. Gp4s children are the onely earthly An- gds, have a.Gofhen in their b-ofomes, can, lay their hands on their hearts With dying, Oecolampadius, and. fay, . Hic fat locrs.. a a,(ágt .' Vrf 19 f ? gIIç . % ís ofi Pr kleza,.