Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap. 16. iiceokiiiht to V Ltil. (idemdiftMji dpud dektns ilb.4*-4fratit44;44: 0i,ortoit?47. Teftifit' Our faithby your WbikeS tat God a his free-grace614 eoiiititénd and crowneyou. OftheMammon ofstiirig,htootsfnefe] The nett odious name to himfelfe. This Mariiinoh Of iniquity, This wages of wiekedridfft is htii Aaiii,but life. They may receive you] That is, that eliftef the A-ngo4,, òr thy riches,ór thelido&May let you into heaved. Verfe r. In the sholloti.ous Mammon] or, the urteertaine, vii, deceitfiall Wealth oft wotld, wihithyet moft richmen truft id, as if fitel-ply the better or fafer for their abundauce. Hence 7Yi-itfius derives Maininon from Aindii, Which figriifieth to truft. Verfe 12. In that n'hich is another inihsi Riches are not Pro- petlyours, but Gods who hath entrOfted us, andwild doth ufti- ally agtrute them to the wicked, thofe dietiòf his hand, for theii portionPfal. 17.14. for all theheaven that they are ever to look for. Better thitigiabide the Saints, who are here but fotreiners, and Mull doeas they may. 14''holballgive yosSthat which il your oirneiRsiod ?lit' 6'41 Wee Arinath"'liN forripipatejt. e>-friflotlé relateth i law like this made by Theo.. 2. 41) 23' sidles, That:he that ufed not another Manshorfe well,fhould fOr- feithis oWrie. iettsocrtiptCor. Verfe r4. And they derided him] Gr. They blen, their nofes i War° fuffencle- himin fcorne and derifion. They fieared and ¡eared vvheri thé/ re advice. Mouldhave feared, and fled from the wrath to come. Horat. Verfe 15. For thatTrhich iS highly efteemed A thing that I fee in dietight mayfhine,and that fhirtingproceed fromnothing but rottettrneffe. There may be Mahar,/ optiin bond materia, as in yehues Zeale. Two things make agood Chriftian, good ac'rions and good aymes. And though agood ayme doth not make a bad affti- on good (as in T7.ah) yet a badayme makesagood- action bad (as in Ms , %vitae' juftice 'wig approved', but his policy Ho r4 punifhed.) Verli 19. There Vost's certaine rich Man] Not once named, as Laz,arser wa:<, though never fo little efteemed of men. God knew him by dame as he did Moje's : when the richmans name is writ- felt id the earth , roues above-ground, is left for a re-InAA;(77.A70 proach. verbena eft Which was clothed in 'Ink, &y.3 Gr. was commonly' lb. tativans, 9! M 2 the