A ,Gamrnentary upan the GaXicl Chap./6,- tied. It washis everyrdayes weare, as the word . implyeth. Verfe. 2o.,.À,ceft4aine.beggar named,Lax.arus] Or' Eleazar (as Tcrtullian and Prudentius call him) who having beene .Abrahams fáithfull servant, now refteth inhis boforne. Verfe 2;. Anddefiring tö befedwith the crumbs] Many poore folk have but prifoners pittances;:which will neither kecpe them .alive nok'fufler,them.to dye, The`do'? s came aid lickrdhis .ores] When Sabinus was put to death for whifpering againft Seianus , his dog lay down by his dead body; brought to his mouth the bread.that"was .cast to him Pliny. Andwhen. Sabinur was thrown intothe riverTiber, the dog leapt after _him, to keepe him up, that he. might not finke into the bottome. Verfe 22. Intoofbrahams bofome] A Metaphor from feafts fay fome from fathers, fay. Others, who imbofome and hug . their children when wearied, with long, running-about, or have niet with a knock, and come cryingunto them. ;IA roas cnrrie4 by the An -eli] Thorough the ayre, the .De- vils region, doe theAngels condnc`;; the Saintsatdeath : who may ALA &Mane therefore call . deathas acob, did theplace where he met the. An_ 1ol. 1907,: gels, Mahanaim, Çenef. 32,.. 2. For like as the palfy-man was letdown withhis bedthorough the tiling beforeJefus, Lukg g. i 8. fo is everygood foule taken up in an heavenly couch thor tough the roofe of his houfe,andcarried into Chrifts pretence by thele heavenly, Courtiers. .ÁndWa.r buried l?ofbÍy with as much noyfo.me stench and hurry in therayre, as' at;Cardtnallt olfeyes buriall. A terribleex- ampie there is in the.hookofM4rtyrs,ofone.Chriftepher Landfdaie an unmercifuÜl Courtier, who fuffering a pore Lazar to dye ina, . ditchby him, did afterwards perish,himfelfe in a ditch. 23. Being in torments] Having punishment without pi- ty, mifery without mercy, forrow without fuccour, crying, with-. out compaffion,,mifcheife without .meafure ..,t.orments without cad, andpall imagination. Verfe 24.. And coole my tongue] In his tongue he. was _moil ivejtari Lülgsa t'ortured,,quin_ pluslingua peccaverat, faith _Cyprian. So Neflorius vermibu ex- the hereticlehad his tongue eaten upwith worms. So Thomas A= eja..Evagr. La. rundell Arch-bifhopof Canterbury, and, Steven Gardiner Bifhop AEta sc winchefter, (two notoriOus perfecutors) dyed with their, fol a6ar,. tongues.thrnitout big-fwollen, and. black with inflammation 'of their::