Chap. i 7. according to . S°: L u x; E. 93 theirbodyes. Afpeiacleworthy to be noted of all- fuch bloody burningperfecutors. Verfe z5.. Sonne remember, &c.] Sonne. he calls him with refpet either adprocreationemearns,autad etatem, faith--Pifcator. But as it-was but coldcomfort to.Dives in flames, that efhraham called him fonne ; fo thofe that have no more to fhrowd them- felves under, then agenerall profeilión, (hall find that an empty - titleyeelds but 2.n emptycomfort at Ian: Receivedit. thy..good things] Wicked men then have not only A civile title,but aright before . God :to earthly things. It is their portion. Pfal. 17. 14. And. what.. Ananias had was his owne 41..5. whiles he had it. Godgave Egypt toNebuchadnezzar- for his Nines at Tyre. It is hard to fay, they are ufurpers. They fhall not (faith One) be, called to an account-at laft day for. poflelling what theyhad, but.for.abufingthat poffelïion. As when the King gives a Traytour his life; he 'gives him meat and. drink. that may maintaine his life. So here God deales,not as that crue 11. D' Alva did .who {larved force prifeeners after hehad given them Guar- Grimft.Hift. ter, faying, Though.I promifed youyour lives, I promifed not to of Nether!. find you meat.. Verfe 26.`.There is a greatgulfe ftxxed] viz. by the unmove, able and imìnutable-decreeof God, called mountaines of braffe rirmigintm Zech. 6. i. from betweene which all effec`ls. and . adtio.ns. come Dei ftasuvcm. forth-asfo.mány charets.,. Janfcn.. Verle 28.. Left they alfa cemeinto this plaecJ This hewifheth, not for their good,but forhis owne. For he -knew that if they were damned, he {hould be double damned, becaufe they were brought thither partlyby.his'lewd' and.loofe example. Verfe 2.9. Let them !mare them] Hell_isto hear ringthe wordread and:preached. ?oh. 5. 25. Efay 55. 3 Verfe 31. Though one rote from the dead] As Lazarm did;. and yet they lillened as him as toChriit oh. r z.but fought tokill hintalfo.. CH;A r.. XVII.. Verfe 5: Lord encreafe our faith] A. Mofl recefláry . requefl in this cafe. For the: more any, man beleeveth :that. God. fox Chril}s. fake bath pardoned. him7.