94 i4 Cotnmehtar, von the Gojiel Chap. i 7. him., the readier he will be to pardon others. Verfe 8. Girdthyfelfandferveme ] It implies i readineffe 2 nimblenelfe, handineffe, and handfomeneffe. A look difcind and diffluent mind is unfit to ferve God. The Deacons cried of 'Old in the Church- meetingsOremau, attendamau, Let us pray,let us attend to prayer, &c. tade of the Verfe to. We havedone that may our duty] Or,ourdebt and i Church.naïci t is no matter of merit topaydebts. This madeWilliam Wickam Medui;883. founderofNew-Colledge, &c. profeffe, hetrufled inrefus Chrift aloneforSalvation; Charles the Fifthdid the like, when he came to die.. And in timesof Popery,the ordinary inftrudion appoin- ted tobe given tomenupon their deathbeds,was, that they fhould look to come to glory, not by their ownmerits, but by the venue and merit ofChrifts pafiï.on : that they fhouldplace their whole in a confidence in his death only, in noother thin and that they Jerm. onEph, r 4.13. should interpofe his death.betwixt,God and their .fins, betwixt them and Gods anger. Verfe 13. eArnd they lifteduptheir voices] Theft fought them- felves only in theirprayers,as do hypocrites : and nought efteenr- Cant. f.t. ed the love ofChrift. So did thofe that farted to chemfelves, Zach 7. more to get oft theirchains then theirfins. Ephrain is an emptjs vine , he bcareth fait to himfelf. The Church keeps her fruit forher beloved. Verfe rq., C'oPhewyourfelves unto the Prieffs ] As if yee were alreadycleanfe'd. They did fo , though they faw no fenfe for it : and before they came to the Prieft , they were cleanfed indeed. Make your requeftsknown to Godwith thankfgiving, Philip 4.6,. As who fhould fay , make account to (peed, and be ready with your thanks, as ifyou had what you ask ofGod. Verfe 15. A-nd one of them] Its ten to one if any return to give thanks. Men make prayer their refuge, but not their recom- pence. Hetekiah returnednot according tohis receipts.. And Witha loud voice] He wasas earnefk in praifes as he had been inprayers. Our thanks fhouldbe larger and louder then our requefis ; becaufe Godprevents us withmany mercies, and denies nothing : wehave it either in mony,or moniesworth. Verfe 16.. Givinghim thank] A thankfull-.man is worth his Çic. pra Planc ,eight ingold. Sed erraró ry1ti homines re eriuntur , faith the $arndeCopd, p $ p 104, Oratour. ?lerique utaccipiant importune, donee- acceperint , in- quieti; uhi a'ceperint,ingrati, faith the Father. Moitpray, but pay not: