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inewleim Chapa7.. ACC9rciivs íB S` LU K E. 95_ got : they tralte prayer their. refuge , but not their recompence. Verfe 17. Were there not ten cleanfed ? ]: Chrift keeps count . howmany favours men receivefront him , and them to a. partiitlar aceount thereof. He is an auftereman this way. Verfe 18. There arenotfound] The Syriack, and fomeothers* read thefewords quelliónewife , and fo it is more emphaticall Are there not food that returned? &c.. q: d. That's admirable,, that's abhominable. Veil zee when the kingdom of god, d-c. ]. This they asked in frQrra,, I. d. You talus oft of the krngdarnof.God,and that it athand:butwhen, comesit once?Allthings continue as they did,&c. Corneehnot with obfervatien] Thatis,.withoutward pomp, or . fuperftitious.feeking after. Verfe ai.. The kingdoms ofGod. i . withinyom] It is fpiritual,Rorsa>- 1y4 17..Qr, it is among you, but that you cannot fee wood for, trees. Youfeekmeas abfent, whom you reject prefent. Verfe ZaP Andhefaiduntohis Difèiples]q: dThis doftrine con - ¢erns you alfo,as well as the perverfe pharifees. You (hall be ere. long at, a great loft forme : hook to it therefore andbeftirreyou.. Verk 24 . For ai the, lightningl q, d. From.. mine Afccntron, and fo forwards_,; you are not to look for me again till I come to-, judgement and,thenI eomeona fudden.. Many, devices there are in.the mina s; offosne ;to think thatJefusChriftlhall comefrom heaven again, and reign here upon earth a Thoufandyears. But Men' Gòtcon they are (faith,a good.Divine) but the miftakes offomehigh,ex- o the 7 prefliöns in Scripteire,whith defcribe.the-judgements powredout V;als, upon Gods enemies inmaking a way to;the.Jewes converfion,,hyi the patternofthe laft judgement. Verfe 27. They-did ente ,. the,' drank,] An elegant.flfyndeton.. For the reafonwhereof , fee the Note,onMatt.24. 38. Vede 28 They. did eate,theydrank] It is not.faid here as verf. . 27. they marriedwives: they affeeéedratherthofe odious concu ovid hitto, qmi,neisitrinftoorefidgmtg The Turktfl1- Bafhaes havetheir Catamites, which,are.theiI rious loves-: for theirwives,areufed; Bk,nta 'voy but to dreffe their meat,toiaundrefle,andfor reputation,faithone,age, peg. lee that had beef mongftthem. Sodomy (faith.he) in the Levant. is, not vico. V,exje 2&, Iiut thefawe,4y ].;A. fair.Sun=thine-morning had.a kill .44141 eyeoing. 1Yefcit: grid; fern, yelper what. 'Thou.Hora4 w5_1_14w : etttellyki4 nay; A h u cred: