Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

96 A Coynmentarj upon the Gt)J el Chap. IS. crede diem tibi diluxiffe fupremum. Think every day the Tait day. Verfe 3o. 'Even thus(ball it be] Security ufhereth indeftru611- Jams. on. The Judge ftandeth before the door, as is eafieto forefeet Watch therefore. Verfe 3t. He which fhall be on the houfe-top] An hyperboli. call expreffion, ufuall among the Jewes, to denote matter of hafte. Pt canes ab Verfe 32. Remember Lots Wife] Who either out ofcurioGty. utinocoria. orcovetoufneffe turnd her but and the was turned. We are as hardly drawn offthe world, as a Dog from a fat morfell. Thofe that fet forthof Italy with galeaçitds Marqueffe of Victim ( who left all for the liberty of confcience at geneva) many ofthem Life ofGaleac. when they came to the borders of Italy, and conuidering what by Mr, cra_ they forfook, firft looked back , afterward went back again , and paw. were taken by the Spanifh Inquifition, and made publikly to abjure the Chriftian religion. Remember the horriblehiftoryof yulia;a Alts& Mon, of old , and the lamentable cafe ofSpina alate faid theLady foli29i. ?ane gray prifoner, to Harding the Apoftate. Lege hifloriam, ( faith one) ne fias hifloria : lege judicia, neftas exemplum ju dicji. Vert 37. Where Lord ? ] Or, Whither Lord, viz. (hall they be taken, ofwhom thou fpeakelt? To heaven, faith he. Seethe Noteon Matt. 24.28. Verfe 38. There the Eagles ] Thofe vulturine Eagles, that are faid to fly two or three dayes before,to theplace where armiesare tomeet, and carcafes fhalibe. CHAP. XVIII. erfe t. Alwaies topray andnot tofaint], ' cs ,y ts7v, &ce, Not fhrink back, as Slud&ards in work, òr Cowards kJ. inVarre. Prayer fhould be re oubled and reinforced, as thofe Arrowes of deliverance , 2 Kings 13. 19. The woman ofCanaan prayes on when denyed : And 7acob holds with his hands,when his thigh is lamed. Hewreftled with flight and might, .Etiampofi nau- he railed drI?b; as the word fignifies, and would not away without fsagiiCm ten - a bleflìne-. fames fiirnamed theJuft (Chrifts Kinfman) had his Cantor traria. , -n, t pijt.a t, knees made ashard Camels -knees with muchpraying, asEufe- birds