Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

N Chap. i 8. accGrdi%g to St L U K E. 97 bitm witneffeth. rather. Latimer during his imp"rifonment, was fäconftant and inftant in prayer, that oftt-imes he was not able to jar. A& r 579&Mon. rife off his knees, without help: Yea Paulus Ernilíus, being to sabeFltcur. fight withPerfes King of Macedony , would not giveover facriti- cing tohis GodHercules, till he faw certain arguments of a viEto- ry. As loathing of meat (faith a Divine) and painfulneffe of £peaking are two fymptomes ofa Fick body : fo irkfoimneffe of praying, and carelefneffe ofhearing,ofa tick foule. Verle 2. Which feared not God,nor regarded man] Thefe two, FeareofGod and fhame ofthe world, God hathgiven to men as curbs to'reftraine them from outrage. But finne hath oaded fuch an impudency in foremens faces,that they dare do any thing. Verfe 3. , Avenge me ofmineadverfary] Adownright requeft; without eitherLogickor Rhetorick to fet it forth, or inforce it to 'each us that though our prayers be but blunt or broken lan- guage,ifimportunate,they (hall prevaile nevertheleffe. Verfe 4. e -indhe voauld notfor a'wbile] Thereis a. =pafïìve ,in- juflice.: Nonfaciendo necens, fedpatiendo fait, faith Aufonius of Claudius. Not to do juftice is injufrice. Verfe 5. She Weary me] Gr. She buffet me, or club me down. va-wie«o. Godmuft be preffed in prayer, till we put,hiip(as you would fay) obtundat. to the bluf , or leave ablot in his face ' unleflè we maybe mailers Votofiendimus ' crlorturdinaYs ofourrequefts. Deem tangimíu erfe 6. 7. Heart what the unjuf udgefaith] Hic paraanon, mifericordiam usherfeconferuntser,fed minus cummajore, faith Be. a. extorquemus. Verfe 7. Though he bare longwith them] When they are at the Tertul.Apot. utmoft under. When theirenemies are above feare, and they be-. low hope ; when there is not faithin Earth to beleeve, then are there bowels.inHeaven to releive and reftore them. Verfe 8. Shall hefindefaith upon earth] God oft fraies fo long, till the Saints have done looking for him , when they have for- got their prayers ; &c. he comes, as it were out of anengine. Verfe 9. That they were righteous, anddef ifed others] Pray tQ be préferved from this perillous pinacle of fell exaltation. Verfe ro. The one a `73harifee ] ADoeg may fet his foot as far and further within the Saneluary,as a David. The Pharifee and. Publican went both ofthem up to private prayer. Verfe r i. god, I thab thee ] Non vulnera fed muneraoften- Avv ooa,' dit,he fhewes nothis want but his worth : andRands not only a 76.8:01'1?:-.7,: y p- _, on his comparifons, but upon his difparifons, I amnot as thisPub_ Niys7o. Befit N n n titan.