98 A Commentary upon the Gof7el Chap.Z8: Vella dignms rican.. No for thouart worfe :" yea forthis, becaufe thou think.. qu cum D eft theebetter. But ofPharifees it might be Paid as 4rnobjus did colloqueretwr. of the Gentiles,. 4pudvos optimi cenfentur,_ quos comparatiopeg- Erafm. morumfiefacir. They arevery good that arenot very bad.. I am not as other menare ] Pride wears a triple crown withthis Motto, Tranfcendó,Non obedio,,7 rturbo. This Pharifee held him- felfthe whole peeèe, and all others aremnant.only,. as BafilofSe- leuciabath it : He takes his poor counter and fees it down for a Thoufand pounds; he prizeth-himfelfabove the market. Verfe 12. Ifaft twice aWeek ] Cardinali Bellarmine didmore: jjcob Fuligar- forhe faffed thricea week, faith he that writeshis.life... ?ohn Arch_ tusD.Vfhicr. Bifhop ofG'onftantinople'; he who hrft affected the ftile ofUniver- fill Bifhop,was.firnamed Nefteutes,.fromhis frequent fafting. Mun- day and Thurfday were the Pharifees fafting -dayes : becaufe Mo- fes went up to the Mount on a.Thurfday,andcarne down ona Mun. day, faith Drúfiu*.- Verfe 13. Smote Upon h s breaft ] In token of indignation, and that he woáld have fmitten his fin fo hard, if he could have come at it. rodbe mercifull, c -c. ] Here wasmuch in few, The Publican prayed much: thoughhe fpake little. As a body without a foul lunchwood.without-fire; a bullet in a, gun withoutpowder , fo are words in prayerwithout fpirit. Oratio brevis penetratcalum, The hotte fprings fendforth theirwaters by'ebullitions.- Verfe 14. yuftifed rather then the other] The Pharifee was not at alhjuftihed Neither is there More or Leffe in ¡unification, But ourS lour here ufetha popular kindof;expreffion _ 209th lOkr7= Verfe 18'. Anda certain Ruler] Saint. :Mark, faith that this. Gre0 gratta- Ruler came running, which argues: his earncffnefte; and in á; texio,. man ofquàlity wasunufuall : for fuch walk foftly for molt part , anti in Rate. Verfe 2z, Yet Inckcff thou one thing] Yea all things, But our Savíoúr fpeaketh thus by an holy irony. Verfe 25: It is eafeerfar afatrlell ] Caveant ergi divites (faith. an Interpreter) c- foliçite; màne, vefperi, interdiu, nol?u, fecum de periculofà vit,fun ration commenteuur. Let rich mentherefore . weigh their danger, and.beware. Verfe ?A.. And they underftoodnone, &c. ] Prejudicate opini- ons ofarias ar,:hly kingdom hung as fo many bullets attheir eye lids, that they couldnot perceive foplain a truth, C 4 t1Po